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Days went by and Mina was still in the moment she had lost Chaeyoung. She refused to attend her funeral or step anywhere near her house. Mina hadn't attended school since then, hadn't left her room and barely ate. All she wanted to do was sleep because it was a place where she could be with Chaeyoung. Every time she woke up, she would cry until too exhausted to continue.

No contact had been made between her or any of her friends. She hadn't spoken to anyone, she didn't want to. What was the point of talking if Chaeyoung wasn't there to respond and listen? What was the point of leaving her room if it wasn't go see Chaeyoung? There was no point in doing anything to Mina. Waking up was a nightmare, breathing felt painful and every moment she spent conscious, she thought of her.

"Mina" her mother had spoken so softly it was barely heard. "She left something for you sweaty. I'll leave it on your drawer. Tell me if you need anything, are you doing okay?"

Mina hummed in response without a single movement. The door closed, and she stayed put. Everything in her was aching. But finally, she gathered the strength to get up and spotted a sheet of paper. She knew what it was and what it meant. Mina was afraid to read it. It was the last letter she would ever receive from Chaeyoung.

To My Mina

She immediately felt like breaking down but continued to read.

Im sorry. There's nothing that pains me more than hurting you, especially like this. I love you, I always will even if I'm not around to show it.  Even while I write this, I miss you. I miss your voice, your laugh, your smile and everything about you. I hope you know that you kept me alive for as long as I was. Without you, I wouldn't have experienced how beautiful life is. You're the only thing that made it beautiful. You made it all worth it, you brought me to life. You made me feel things I thought only happened in movies. You made me say things I would punch myself for.

Even though Mina laughed, she cried at the fact that it sounded just like Chaeyoung in her head.

I know neither our first or second meeting were a good first impression of me but I couldn't be more happy Im the one who received your love. Every time I felt even the slightest touch from you, my body would be filled with warmth. Every time we kissed, it felt like I was floating. You are the most beautiful. The most divine.
Mina, I'm sorry I did what I did.
It was inevitable.
Inevitable like the way I fell for you so deeply.
In my short life, the moments I was the happiest were the moments I shared with you. Please take care of yourself. I want you to be happy. You'll heal, I know you will because you're the strongest woman I know.
Thank you for making my life worth living.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to love you.

I love you.

"I have no strength without you here" Mina fell to her knees clutching the paper in her hands. It felt like the moment she had lost her all over again.

Two weeks passed and she had finally decided to return to school. She walked the halls hanging her head low feeling as if her feet were being dragged by heavy objects. Mina sat through every class dreading every second of it. She avoided talking to their friends, nothing was the same without her. There was no point in experiencing anything without Chaeyoung by her side.

"Hey, Mina" Ryujin had approached her during lunch. "Do you wanna go get some burgers? We haven't hung out in a long time but I get it. I'm not blaming you, I can't imagine what it's like. Are you doing okay? You look.."

"I'm fine" she responded avoiding eye contact. "Im actually going home right now. Go on without me, thank you"

As she walked away, Mina held her hands in fists clawing at her dry palms. She looked back at Ryujin who stood staring at her, "You're a good friend. I'm sorry we can't spend more time together"

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