Chapter 30

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Lonesome town by Ricky Nelson

In advanced, I'm sorry dear Readers

The first week of March flew by for Chaeyoung. She always found something to do wether it was being with Mina or her friends. Even the week of school had barely been felt. The couple had done a lot of skipping since their grades were in really good shape. Every time Chaeyoung offered to ditch class, Mina would agree sensing that the girl was beginning to get exhausted. Chaeyoung couldn't even go two classes without feeling the need to leave.

"Chaeyoung" Mina said to her as they sneaked out of the school. "It's the eight time this week that we ditch and I know it's not only because you want to spend time with me"

The oldest was right. She had caught on by the sixth time on Thursday which was just yesterday. They had ditched at least on class everyday and yesterday they had only gone to half of them.

"We can go back to class" the youngest responded. "I'm sorry for making you miss so many classes"

Mina stopped walking in the middle of the parking lot, "No, Chaeyoung that is not what I meant. It's just, I'm worried about you." She paused waiting for Chaeyoung to say something but she didn't, "Look I know you hate talking about it especially when I bring it up but I really need you to tell me when it's getting hard again"

"Okay" the girl nodded. It was always shameful for her to admit when she was weak. "I am"

"You are.."

She sighed in defeat, "I am having a hard time. But I don't want to do anything about it, okay? I'm safe"

Her girlfriend wanted to push it, badly. She wanted her to open up a little more and let her in but this was enough for now. The girls then decided to get some coffee and sit together. Currently, they were missing third period which meant they wouldn't be going back for the rest of the day.

"Talk to me" Mina said as soon as they took the first sip of their coffee.

"I'm just having a hard time but it comes and goes. I really don't want to talk about it" the girl was stubborn and Mina knew it very well. "I'm sorry, I know you want to know but it's getting old. I mean it when I say I'm safe, and I know it's an endless cycle of it coming and going. I know how to handle this"

She accepted it, "Okay, I trust you"

"I'm sorry I don't mean to make it seem like I'm pushing you away. I just rather not talk about it"

"I get it" The oldest offered a smile. "I'm sorry pushing it"

Chaeyoung felt bad, she felt horrible. But she was so exhausted of regulating her emotions that she couldn't keep it up any longer. It used to be so easy with Mina but now it's getting hard. Even though it still takes her the least amount of energy being with her, it only meant everything else was getting heavier.

"Do you want to cuddle in my bed?" Mina requested.

Even though they had been together all week, they had been out a lot of that time. And the times they went to Mina's house they kept busy playing videos games or mostly doing homework. Chaeyoung stopped to think about it and realized she could really use some snuggling in warm bedsheets.

"Yes, please" Chaeyoung smiled feeling excited about holding her lover close. "I love you. I'm sorry for not being in the best mood"

"Chaeyoung I love you. And it's okay. I'll drive us to my house, we'll cuddle, most likely fall asleep and then it will be okay."

Being with Mina was just so reassuring. And the couple did exactly that. As soon as they began to snuggle, Chaeyoung's eyes began to get heavy. The last thing she did was dig her face into the crook of her girlfriend's neck and then fell asleep. But as for the oldest one, she couldn't fall asleep. She sensed something horrible would happen soon.

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