Chapter 27

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Two weeks passed by, the time was nearing the end of January. Chaeyoung had spent a lot of those days with Mina and also with her friends a few times. By now, she has started off this semester with As or Bs in every class. Mina would make sure to study with Chaeyoung at least three times a week even if it meant ditching a class to sit at a coffee shop together. The times they had studied at Mina's place would always end in making out and putting their homework away for the rest of the night.

Chaeyoung was even more addicted to Mina than she had been before. Recently the oldest had become a lot more bold and vocal about the things she wants to do. And Chaeyoung would always obligue feeling intimidated in the best way possible. She would do anything Mina asked her to. Her girlfriend was just so incredibly gorgeous and endearing, how could Chaeyoung ever want to go against her?

The girl had her second to last game today. Basketball had been going great, if the team kept it up, they could go to state. Mina had been at every single game since the beginning. Without her, Chaeyoung wouldn't be doing so great. The girl couldn't remember the last time she smoked anything and it wasn't out with her friends. Mina had really come into her life and patched up all her broken pieces back together.

"Excited?" Jay had caught up to her after first period. "We will be there to support you, per usual"

"Thanks Jay. And yes I'm fucking dying. This team hasn't lost, and if we don't win we won't qualify for State"

Chaeyoung was very passionate about basketball.

"Wow okay youre in heat" the boy chuckled. "With your skills and Ryujin's speed, you guys got this. Don't worry about it"

"I'm still worrying about it but thank you" she forced a smile knowing she would regret being harsh towards him. "Sorry I'm stressing out"

Jay understood "I get you. Oh! Look there's your girfriend. Maybe she'll cool you down. I'll see you at the game"

At the sight of her beautiful girlfriend, Chaeyoung had an actual smile on her face. All it took was spotting Mina and she immediately felt better. They were just so in love with each other, it was far too easy to make each other feel the same way they did in the beginning.

That's exactly why Chaeyoung couldn't keep her eyes off Mina during the warm ups. Thats why Chaeyoungs heart stopped for a second when Mina tied her hair up in a ponytail while holding the hair tie in between her teeth. That's why Chaeyoung's stomach did flips as Mina had laughed and leaned into her in the middle of class. That's why Chaeyoung had kept a smile on her face during gym class.

"Hey you" Mina had caught up to Chaeyoung after staying back to talk to a few friends. "I know you like love math and definitely want to go to pre calc. But I was thinking..."

"Sold" Chaeyoung immediately agreed to whatever Mina had planned "you had me at 'hey'. I do as you wish"

"Cute" Mina shyly giggled. "I got hungry and am craving ramen"


Chaeyoung only had to know that Mina wanted it in order to do something. The two enjoyed the oldest's warm car and the snowy day on their way to the ramen place they loved so much. It was more than clear that they wouldn't be returning after lunch. That's why Chaeyoung had taken her basketball stuff out of the locker room before leaving knowing that she wouldn't want to come back.

It was risky. If the girls ditched first period, it was very likely that they wouldn't show up for the rest of the day. Both of their houses were empty during school hours so that wasn't a problem either. They were both passing every single class and barely had any late assignments. Mina would make sure to keep them both on track and it worked although Chaeyoung does complain and tries to distract her. Of course, every distraction gets a little reaction from Mina which is enough for the girl.

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