Chapter 10

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What is so wrong with that?

Chaeyoung spent most of her night only thinking about why it was so wrong. But she couldn't find a good enough answer to convince herself to stay away from the oldest. She enjoyed holding Mina's hand earlier that day and believed her smile to be one of the most endearing things her eyes had come across. The only reason she avoided Mina was because she hated feeling excited to see her.

The next morning she woke up long after the sun had risen. She received a terrible headache the second she got up from bed. Her feet lead her straight for the kitchen grabbing a small plastic bag and filling it with ice. After that, she went back into her room, wrapped it inside an old shirt and placed it on her nose just like Mina had said to do.

Should I text her? What would I say? No, you weird fuck.

She found herself going to sleep yet again. Slowly, her mind began to dream about the older one. Her dream was about Mina holding her hand and leading her down what seemed to be a never ending path. It was filled with trees, grey skies and the sound of water nearby. But then the path came to the end at a cliff. Before she knew it, the girl had jumped off and everything became black.

Startled she woke up and immediately sat up. For a minute she stayed still attempting to recall exactly what had happened but failed. She turned her phone on to a bunch of messages from the group chat, Jimin, Yoongi and Mina.

It was a conversation about meeting on Friday at the same time in the same place. She put her phone down after agreeing well aware she had a message from Mina. Again, she received that exciting feeling but stronger in her gut. It was like the sensation of wanting to throw up except much less sickening. After some time she opened the message.

1 hour ago

*Feeling better?"

*Yes i am*

She felt bad for the late response. After a few minutes of staring at the ceiling, Mina responded.

*Thats good*
*What are you doing today..?


And again she felt a sort of excitement with the slight thought of Mina wanting to spend time with her. It was 1pm and the skies remained grey. It was a colder day and snow was expected in the next few days. Her favorite season had arrived.

*Nothing. Do you want to do something?*
*With me?*

They shared the same feeling in their stomach through the screen. Same cheeky flustered smiles and the same reddening color on their faces.


Was sure too short? Will she think I don't want to? Should I say something else? Why am I so worried?

And before her thoughts came to an end, she received a message that made her smile even wider. Mina would be picking her up at four today. Chaeyoung didn't mind the time, all she wanted was to get away for a while. Somehow, the older one seemed perfect for that.

The girl nervously waited and waited through the day until Mina picked her up. She had changed and brushed her hair before sitting in her living room listening to music through her headphones. For some reason, she wanted to look presentable before Mina.

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