Chapter 11

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The two girls entered the crowded house keeping each other close. Their ears were filled with the blasting up beat music that they both equally hated. Chaeyoung knew where the boys would be, upstairs or out in the cold smoking. But she wouldn't look for them now. She wanted to spend more time with Mina and deep down, she really didn't want her near them. So they walked into the kitchen to find a bunch of teenagers cheering "chug! Chug! Chug!" As a girl drank a whole bottle of something.

"What do you want to do?" Mina questioned into her ear as they left the kitchen.

The girl look around failing to a find a familiar face inside the crowded house. "I don't know. You?"

"Me neither... oh! I love this song" The oldest suddenly exclaimed.

Mina smiled and began to bop her head to the beat. She couldn't help but sway her hips a bit recalling it blasting at her first high school dance. There was two guys she had rejected her sophomore year simply because wasn't very interested in them. Sure, they were cute, nice and charming but that was it. She ended up going with Ryujin and having the time of her life. When this song had come on, she was pulled into the dance floor by her friend and began to dance beside her, shamelessly.

"Hey you!" An older guy approached the two, "aren't you Jimin's girl?" He pointed at Chaeyoung.

She shook her head, "No, Jackson. We've been over this. Asshole"

He threw his hands up in innocence. "I know, I know. Just playing, take a joke, 4'11. They're upstairs in my room."

Mina loudly laughed, "4'11... sorry. Not funny"

"Who's this?" Jackson asked.

"Mina" the girl bluntly responded.

The older guy smiled, "She's hot" he lowly said to Chaeyoung. "Got a boyfriend?"

Chaeyoung didn't like the way that made her feel, "Fuck off" she quickly said lightly pulling Mina by the wrist and leading them upstairs.

Confused, Mina followed noticing how well her fingers wrapped around her wrist. She hadn't heard what Jackson said to the girl but she could only guess it wasn't any good by that look on her face. They got to the top step and were welcomed by a nauseous scent. The girl didn't want to be here, especially with someone like Mina right behind her.

"It's Chaeyoung!" Announced a tall guy, "Did you bring turkey?"

The girl shook her head walking past him making sure she wouldn't lose grip of the oldest one. She lead her into a room where the music wasn't as defeating and smoke clouded their eyes. It smelled horrid in the small bedroom. With closed windows, a group of boys and toxic substances in the air, Mina felt the need to cover her nose.

"Didn't think you'd make it" Jimin stood up with a wide seam expecting a hug.

"Well you were bitching to Mina about it, what did you expect?" The girl said low enough for only him and some of boys to hear.

Jay loudly laughed with smoke exiting his mouth, "Get wrecked dude!"

"Look what I got" Yoongi got up and waved a small bag with white powder in it. Like sugar. The girl knew what it was, she had never touched any hard drugs, she refused to.

She pushed away and walked through them with Mina following behind. "We'll only be here for a while. So let's get something started, yeah?"

"What's the hurry?"

"Don't want to be here"

Chaeyoung could already feel tired and truly didn't want to put anything in her system. This isn't at all what she expected her afternoon to be. Yet, she sits down next to Mina who took a small space at the corner of the couch. They played games and she would drink here in there, smoke more often and made sure the older one didn't participate in any of it.

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