Chapter 12

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No contact had been made between the two young girls until Monday arrived. They had spent the previous day thinking about what had happened, how they felt about one another. And with little surprise, they unknowingly felt the same way but were too afraid of making any type of confrontation.

That's why Chaeyoung ditched gym the first day of being back from break. She wanted to tell someone, she sought advice but didn't know who to go to. There was Yoongi who was oblivious, Jimin who's heart would shatter at the news, Mark who wouldn't care less and the there was Jay. The only one who knew even just a little bit about the two girls. And lucky for Chaeyoung, there he was, on the bleachers. As if awaiting her.

"There you are young one" Jay wisely spoke in a tone that made Chaeyoung jokingly roll her eyes. "What is it that you're searching for on this fine day?"

"Shut the fuck up" she lightly laughed.

Jay stayed quiet allowing her to proceed. He knew she had something to say. He had been waiting for her to finally tell him something about the older one.

"I like somebody" Chaeyoung admitted.

The boy smiled sensing where this would go. It was hard for Chaeyoung to talk about herself, much more something involving someone else. Especially her feelings. This was just something she had never done before.

"Mina. And what happened?" Jay helped her out.

With a nervous sigh she continued, "She kissed me? It was an accident. But then she left"

"Oh wow okay. I missed a season" he joked. "So you like her, she kissed you by accident and I'm guessing you guys haven't talked ever since. You're too much of a pussy to go to gym and see her. I see you have developed a crush on her."

"No fucking shit Sherlock. What if she doesn't like me back?"

"Chaeyoung. She kissed you. I don't care if it was on accident."

"Still" she sat next to him "Fuck"

Why do you make me feel like this?

And then she smiled. It was a nice feeling. So much better than what she's used to. All the heavy weight on her shoulders didn't feel as draining. It was a relief to worry about something so different.

"Listen" Jay sat up to face her. He was serious, "I know that the fact she is a girl can hold you both back. I get this town. But fuck it, you know? Cant spend your whole life hiding."

"Jay, you've been reading too fucking much"

"Since when do you smile so much?"

Since her.

"Fuck it?" Asked the tempted girl.

Jay gave her a lopsided smile. "Fuck it"

She spent her final class tapping her foot nervously on the floor. Her eyes checked the clock every minute wondering how much slower it could possibly go. Chaeyoung had basketball practice, but if she was quick enough she could jump into Ryujin and with a little bit of luck, she might catch Mina in the process. She hated not talking to her for nearly two days. It made her feel off, it had made her morning even worse.

The bell rang and she jumped out of her seat. She was able to push through people into the main stairs. There she clenched her fists hating how slow everyone walked. She skipped the final step and sped walk to the gym. Her two feet froze upon seeing her.

Did she always look that pretty?

The pace she was walking at slowed down once she realized she had nothing to say. All she wanted to do was see her.

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