Chapter 3

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Happiness is a butterfly by Lana Del Rey

This time when she woke up, she didn't drag herself out of bed. Instead, Chaeyoung jumped to her feet and prepared for the day. She biked to school leaving behind her tidied up room and the letters she had read over one last time. Her heart didn't weigh heavy this time, she could only be relieved knowing it will soon come to an end.

Just one more day and I can rest.

She repeated those words to herself as she attended her first class of the day. Chaeyoung payed attention and took notes about the book they were reading. It was a lesson she couldn't care less about but still, the joy she felt was greater than any before. This was a strong belief of hers since she went to sleep, it would be the last time she has to deal with anything at all. The last time she had to drag her feet everywhere.

Her second class of the day was gym class, she always skipped it and met with Yoongi and some friends beneath the bleachers. By now, the girl had been told by a few of Jimin's friends that the latter had feelings she rather pretend weren't there. It was a secret shared between the friend group but was done nothing about.

How could I be interested? I won't be around.

"There she is" Yoongi smiled wrapping an arm around the girl.

He led her further beneath the bleachers where the group of boys had gathered for their smoke session. The girl sat down not minding the dirt getting onto her pants. She watched the rest exhale smoke shamelessly. Today, she didn't want to smoke or get high with the rest. Chaeyoung wanted to enjoy the next few hours as much as she could.

"Basketball game tonight" Jay announced to their group, "I will be expecting every single one of you guys there. First game of the season, watch me dominate the court"

"Yeah right" Jimin laughed, "Make the winning shot and dinner is on me"

"Fuck yeah"

Another one of their friends turned to Chaeyoung, "You coming?" Mark asked.


"Yeah" Chaeyoung lightly nodded taking the cigarette Yoongi had in hand.

Fuck it, she thought regretting every second she agreed to.

Although she attended the rest of her classes, she didn't pay attention this time. Chaeyoung felt the exhaustion catching up to her by the end of her final class. Instead of getting on her bike and riding until the sun set while blasting music, she roamed the hallways keeping her eyes glued to her feet. They had all agreed to meet a few minutes after school and then visit the nearby gas station to buy snacks. Before then, Chaeyoung wanted to take in the quiet upstairs halls.

"Thank you" a familiar voice said before she turned to the next hallway, "See you tomorrow!"

The girl stopped struggling to recognize who it was. She peeked her head and saw a brown haired figure descending down the hallway. The shoes barely made any noise, her every step was delicate until she no longer was seen. Chaeyoung waited then subconsciously followed down the hallway. The girl from yesterday had completely slipped her mind today, it was due to her that she failed.

She found herself at the bottom of the stairs heading towards the main exit to meet her friends. They were waiting there with a bigger group of high-school students gathered around in a chaotic circle. As she got closer it became clear what the fuss was about, there was a fight. No supervisors around only students who were encouraging it to happen.

It was two boys who looked to be freshmen, phones were out and cheering was heard. Chaeyoung looked to her friends who were entertained and turned her heel to go back inside. Her hands flew up defensively at the impact, she had crashed into a person exiting through the same door.

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