Chapter 16

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As soon as she entered the school, she spotted Jay, Yoongi, Jimin and Mark all sitting in the cafeteria before classes began. She didn't feel tired or a headache with all the noise. Her head didn't hang low which is how she spotted them so quickly. To her, it felt odd not hating every wakening moment of her life. She wondered how long it will be until everything collapses again.

"Yo, Chae!" Called mark.

Her stomach sank as soon as she saw Jimin remembering their previous interaction. There is no way him and his big mouth stayed quiet. Fuck it.

"Yeah?" She approached them.

Mark stood up, "We haven't seen you in a while. We were afraid you offed yourself" he joked with a smile.

What the fuck.

Yoongi then slapped his arm violently. Chaeyoung pretended to laugh at them then proceeded to walk away stating she'll see them later. That whole thing threw her off and before she knew it, her eyes were glued to the floor as she made her way to her first class. As much as she tried to not let that sentence affect her, it was all she thought about.

Should've done it when I had the chance. This is bullshit.
Oh! She looked at her notification. It's Mina. She smiled.

*I better see you second period*

*You will:D*

She headed to second period with a smile on her face. It was relieving knowing she'd see Mina in just a few moments. And as she headed towards the gym, she bumped into Soobin by accident. Out of all the places, why after she had totally forgotten about the jock?

"Hey you!" He smiled. A smile that charmed many but her. "You know, I've been looking for you but Jay says nothing about you anymore"

"Oh, really?" Leave me alone.

The boy smiled walking close to her. "Yeah. Hiding from me?"

She looked up at him noticing he had gotten much more taller than she remembered. "No, I've been busy"

"Need help with anything? Or rides to school, it's cold"

He cared about her. Soobin had known her since elementary, they used to be best friends but after the fifth grade, he went off to another middle school where he learned more advanced subjects and played more competitively. A school for the wealthy and sophisticated, is what her mother once called it after Chaeyoung asked her to enroll her there.

"I do have rides, thank you"

His heart sank a little, "Jimin?"

She smiled at him, "No, Mina"

"Oh!" He quickly thought of a way to keep their conversation going. "Do you want to go out sometime? Like on a date, with me?"

I'm not letting him get his hopes up. "Look, you're a great guy and I liked hanging around you. But if you're intentions are to be more than friends, then it's not going anywhere, sorry"

And his smile went away. "It's Jimin, isn't it?"

Oh my fucking god. Boys.
What is it with boys thinking they're the only thing that matter?

"No, just not interested in anyone." She spotted Mina and her face immediately brightened. "See you around"

They approached one another with the same shy smile. Outside the gym where many students gathered during passing period, they discussed how their first classes went. Chaeyoung couldn't stop blushing as she noticed how beautiful Mina looked in such casual state. The more she stared and talked to her, the more she fell in love. It wasn't any different for the later.

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