Chapter 15

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J's lullaby- Delaney Bailey

Jimin went home after what Chaeyoung had told him. He had dinner with his parents and younger sibling. Throughout it all, he could only think about what had happened just minutes ago. He couldn't be mad and he knew that. What Chaeyoung felt wasn't anything anyone could ever control. Deep down, he could sense the way her new friend was slowly making her way in. But he hated to admit that to himself. After years of pursuing her, he received rejection.

"Fuck" he sighed as he entered his room. "She likes a girl"

In his mind, there was nothing wrong with that concept. He grew up knowing no one was any different because of their wealth, race, gender or sexuality. Despite everything his parents tried to brainwash him with, he was clever and knew much better than being close minded. Which is why he will accept the rejection and move on. But not before he told his friends about it.

*she rejected me*

*not good. But not surprised LMAO*

*I told you to stop going after her, Jimin.*

*about time u give up*

*stfu. I'm serious*
*Chaeyoung likes girls*

*What the fuuuuk.*
*I didn't see that 1 coming.*
*Holy shit*
*shes gay?*

*You didn't just out her, did you?*

*Its no big deal*
*it's not like we'll do anything about it*
*who cares?*

*Maybe she didn't want them to know*

*U knew?!*

*Well yh. Kind of*

*how longggg?*

*Doesnt matter.*
*don't bring it up to her*
*Jimin, you should've kept your mouth shut*

*Im sorry?*
*like I said, it is not a big deal*

*Jay is right. That wasn't your information to spread*
*But now that we know, leave her alone*

*it's Mina :O*


*no shit.*

*u lost her to a preppy girl*
*U lost her to a girl*
*there's no coming back from that 1*

*stfu ik*

*and what about it? It's who she likes*
*let it rest*

"Yh. Lets just leave it alone. Not our business.*


Mark also seemed to be a bit out of line but he meant no harm other than teasing Jimin. The four boys could've seen it coming, Yoongi did. That's why he's been trying to fall out of love since the 9th grade. But something about Chaeyoung always lured him in. Now that he can do nothing about it, he will silently accept it and move on. It wasn't his game to win, after all.

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