Chapter 14

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Seasons by wave to earth

When morning came they laid in each other's arms with legs tangled. Mina was the first one to wake up realizing she still had time to enjoy the moment after checking her phone. She told herself she had thirty minutes to just lay in the moment. The older girl held her a bit tighter wishing for it to be her every morning and night. They had both fallen for each other so quickly yet it seemed like they knew the other since forever.

Please like me back Mina begged.
You really are all I think about now. It's driving me insane.
I promise I won't drain you out. I understand.
I juts want to be with you. Is that so bad?

She felt the second the youngest woke up. She felt when she was pulled and held closer. It made her heart raise and it scared her knowing Chaeyoung could most likely hear it, because she could and she smiled into Mina's chest. Neither of the two wanted to move afraid that they wouldn't have this ever again.

Please like me back. The girl thought to herself.
I'm not that much of a drain. I'll be better.
You make it so easy.

*Beep Beep*

Mina's alarm went off after a few moments of silence. The two jumped up as if they had been asleep the whole time. Chaeyoung mumbled a good morning with a soft smile as she climbed out of bed.

"Do you need clothes?" Her morning voice was deeper than usual and slower too. It made Mina smile thinking it was cute.

The oldest hummed. "Yeah, but I'll keep the sweater"

The two got ready without saying much to each other. Occasionally, they would share smiles and small laughs without any reason behind them. Not enough sleep had been received but they both headed to school regardless.

"Don't ditch Gym, please" Mina said to her as they parted ways.

Chaeyoung looked back with a smile, "I won't"

As she walked away an arm swung around her shoulders pulling her a bit closer. She laughed as the boy mocked the sentence she had just said, teasing her.

"Fuck off Jay"

"No" he said to her. "I saw she wore your sweater and the way she smiled at you. Soooo, tell me. What's the progress. Is she your girlfriend now?"


Chaeyoung smiled at the thought, "No. she's my best friend"

"You're practically in love with each other! Don't fight me on this. Look," Jay quieted down"I know you're not the type to give yourself all these chances at being happy but, Chaeyoung, do this one thing for yourself. She really likes you and you do too! I'm rooting for you and that's all that matters. Forget Jimin and everyone else who thinks wrongly of you"

The girl chuckled "You really have been reading. I think the no to drugs is getting to you" she joked then seriously looked at him "And I know, I know. Just give it some time"

"Just remember" he leaned into her ear as if sharing a secret "1,2,3 fuck it. And do it"

At the time, Chaeyoung didn't know what he meant by that.

First period went swell. As usual, Chaeyoung plugged in her headphones and this time could only thing about Mina. It felt nice sleeping in her arms. It was even nicer to wake up to her still tightly holding Chaeyoung as if afraid to let go. She just couldn't stop thinking about the oldest one. Even on her way to gym class, she was nervous.

"Yo!" A familiar voice called. The girl smiled and turned to meet Yoongi along with Mark and Jimin. "We're going out after school today on Jimin's truck. You can bring Mina, if you want"

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