Chapter 13

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"Alone With You" The Brummies

Their lips met with a gentle and wanted kiss. With her eyes closed, Mina pulled away wearing a smile feeling her heart threatening to sprint out of her chest at any moment. She had fallen for the girl ever since she first heard her laugh, or was it when they first locked eyes? When their hands first touched as she took the slushy from her? Could've it had been when they first ate together? Or the first time her heart skipped a beat when thinking about seeing the girl.

"I'm sorry" Chaeyoung pulled away and sat up. "I'm gonna go"

Mina opened her eyes feeling her heart fall to her stomach with the most sickening sensation pooling in. Millions of thoughts raised through her mind regretting what had happened.

"Don't" Mina reached for her before the girl got off the bed. "Don't go. How will you get home?"

"I can walk"

The oldest stood up on the other side of the bed, "I can give you a ride if you want to go."



Silence filled the car as the two stayed fixed on the road ahead of them. Chaeyoung didn't actually want to leave Mina's house but there was no other way to fix what she had done. She believed Mina hated it even thought they both felt the same gut twisting sparks.

"Here we are" Mina awkwardly said arriving at her house.

The girl stayed put looking down at her feet then opened her door. Of course, she didn't want to leave. Why would she when she loves every second she gets to spend with Mina? But she had made a mistake that couldn't be taken back.

"Thank you" the girl muttered before stepping out.

"You didn't do anything wrong" Mina said to her, "I liked it"

Chaeyoung should've agreed or said something. She should've invited her to spend the night or wished her a goodnight's rest. She would've given her friendly nod or wave to reassure her she had to. Or maybe she could've stayed facing her with that smile she wore on her way inside.

She liked it?
She didn't hate it?
I liked it.
Could she like me back?
Just shut up.

The wondering girl forced herself to sleep after realizing she had a game tomorrow that she had been looking forward to. It made her nervous and her palms sweaty just thinking about it. But she enjoyed the adrenaline it shot through her body. The last thing she did before shutting her eyes was look at the text message Mina had sent and smile.

*I'll be picking you up tomorrow. Rest well for your game:)*

She had seriously fallen for Mina.

Chaeyoung woke up and practically jumped off her bed after looking at the time. Mina would be there any minute. She hurried to squish her shoes and shorts into her bag throwing her jersey and sweater on. In the bathroom, she brushed her hair, grabbed a hair tie and washed herself as quickly and neatly as she could.

Take a snack.
I don't want to.
Grab a snack, Chaeyoung.

And so, she walked into her kitchen and stuffed a granola bar in the lose pockets of the pants that were a bit too big on her. As expected, Mina's car was parked outside. Her heart rose at the sight of Mina scrolling through her phone inside the car. She had been excited to see the oldest one, but after what had happened yesterday, she couldn't help but also dread it.

"Morning!" Mina chimed as soon as Chaeyoung opened her car door. "You can put your bag in the back. We're running late to first period so might as well grab some breakfast to fuel your body for the game"

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