Chapter 22

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The group was taken back to the parking to collect their vehicles, then met up again at Jimin's house. Mina and Chaeyoung shared conversations of their own waiting for Ryujin to arrive as they didn't want her to walk in alone. Once all three girls gathered they walked inside to alcoholic drinks everywhere on the counters. Chaeyoung could feel excitement in her just thinking about not having to be sober for the rest of the day. But at the same time, she didn't want Mina to see her that way. Therefore she'd only have a "few" drinks.

"Have a drink!" Jay welcomed Chaeyoung with a glass bottle of alcohol. He held it above her mouth as she looked up ready to drink

The drink poured into her mouth, she pulled away and swallowed. It burned her nose as she struggled to push it down. It had been so much and so bitter, she could barely even keep it in. But once it was all down her throat, she wiped her mouth and smiled with Jay as they walked into the living room.

Mina And Ryujin both looked at each other with expressions that shared concern for the younger one. It was clear she was easily over taken by all these substances. Deep down Mina only grew even more worried at the thought of her intaking anything else.

The boys had grown to be careless while drinking and smoking whatever there was to intake. With loud music playing in the background of their chatter and sudden laughter. As for Mina, she sat next to Chaeyoung who laid back with a pen in her hand. Not a writing pen, but the type of pen you can inhale cannabis from.

"Can I try" Ryujin who sat at the corner next to Mina asked Chaeyoung. "Just a bit"

"Yeah. Just don't inhale too fast"

Chaeyoung handed it to Ryujin and watched her inhale slowly and then proceed to maintain a straight face before doing the same thing Mina did, she began to cough uncontrollably. And then she tried again more calmly this time and she was perfectly fine. Sure it tasted kinda bad, and yeah and it burned her throat but soon enough she wouldn't care about that as she took two more hits.

"Okay, that's enough for you" Mina took it away. "My turn" she slightly faced at Chaeyoung receiving the reaction she had hoped for.

"You're going to smoke that?" Her eyes widened.

Mina shrugged with a smile. "Just one or two. I don't want to be the only one completely sober here"

Jay cheered, "Yes Mina! Rebel"

It made the oldest giggle a little bit, Chaeyoung found it so endearing how her cheeks reddened from the slightest bit of embarrassment that had given her. She raised it up to her mouth and took it in inhaling just enough to be able to keep it in her mouth inhaling one last time until breathing out a thin cloud of smoke.

Something about seeing Mina that way intrigued Chaeyoung. And then she did it again which Chaeyoung hadn't expected.

"Okay okay" she held her hand in front of Mina, "that'll do it"

"What a party pooper" Booed Yoongi.

Mina smiled at Chaeyoung and handed it to her. "I should be fine, I just did it twice"

The two girls settled back down into the couch, this time Chaeyoung didn't smoke anything more. She sat and laughed with the guys as they all participated in silly games as a group of seven. Everyone was either gone or just on the edge like the three girls.

"I need fresh air" Mina said after laughing too much and getting a taste of Yoongi's cigarette's smoke. It wasn't a lot but he was close enough for to nearly gag.

Chaeyoung immediately got up with Mina. "I'll join you"

The youngest followed her girlfriend out to the front porch feeling worried. She believed she did something to upset her and she needed a break. Since Mina didn't vocally approve to Chaeyoung coming out with her, she thought she was bothering Mina.

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