Chapter 7

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K by cigarettes after sex

Chaeyoung slept in the next day and showed up a little after lunch. Her intention wasn't to be so late but it wasn't until she stepped foot outside that she realized her bike was left back at the school. The wind and cold air pushed her hair into her face after she would constantly fix it. It was a cold November day, the tip of her nose and ears had become red. Dead leafs would break beneath her old converse creating a sound she couldn't hear past her earphones.

By the time she stepped foot into the school she was already late to her last class and decided she might as well ditch. There wasn't any way in hell she would choose to step back out into the cold so she dragged her tired feet into the music room despite getting in trouble yesterday. The girl was aware there was no class at the end of the day, it was something Yoongi had informed her at the beginning of the school year.

She sat before the piano leaving the keys untouched, she only stared at it. Her body tiredly held itself up and her mind was filled with nothing at all. The room had a familiar smell she completely despised. It was the hospital smell that had made her feel incredibly disgusted towards herself for ending up in that place.

Memories were quick to take over her. She thought about the nights they stuck out to the roof and did things that brought her thrill. But then group therapy, daily checkups, and feeling like a prisoner also came in the bunch. The food was only good for a week until it got repetitive and began to taste like hospital meals.

Truthfully, Chaeyoung missed those friends she made. Especially Olivia who always took care of her and acted like an older sister. Hobi could make her smile with the smallest gesture, Yeonjun understood her and Soojin was someone she eventually warmed up to. It's as if the person she was at the hospital had stayed there after she left.

You can't be cured, depression doesn't go away. We are in here until we learn how to cope. Don't you worry, it gets better. Niki had told her that her first day there. It was horrible hearing those words.

It really is pointless, she reminded herself, Why do I even bother?

She knew the answer to that. The girl wanted to play her first official game of basketball. Chaeyoung wanted to dribble the ball down the court and score a point for her team. It was like her dream to do that even though she had just started. A smile appeared on her face as she thought about the heart racing feeling that comes with dribbling the ball and scoring. She couldn't wait for the day to come.

"Need a ride to detention?" Jimin found her after school. "Or will your new friend give you one?"

Chaeyoung looked at him, "What's up with you?"

"Nothing I just- " he began to scratch the back of his neck, "you hang out with that girl a lot nowadays"

"Okay?" She bluntly responded, "I have to get changed for practice"

Jimin immediately took back his previous statement, "I'll pick you up? And we can go somewhere nice"


The girl turned her heel and entered the bathroom without saying anything else to him. There was a locker room that all the other girls used but she felt better using the restroom. She switched into a different long sleeve, her new shorts and shoes. Somehow when she stepped out she hoped to see Mina waiting for her but she wasn't there.

Chaeyoung went through practice dreading to meet with the boy. As she did drills with her teammates, she thought about Mina and how she spit out her hot noodles. It made her smile just at the thought. She didn't know it yet, but Mina's presence was incredibly healing to Chaeyoung.

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