Chapter 4

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Mina drove to the harvest festival with the girl in her passenger seat. It hadn't taken as much convincing as she had prepared. During her classes she had ran the conversation over and over again needing to make sure she would take the girl out. Everything went smoother than she imagined. Chaeyoung truly didn't want to go but Mina's nervous tone and small voice made it hard to turn her down. Plus, she did need some fresh air.

The two were different and they knew it. As she drove, Mina kept a small smile on her face while Chaeyoung's lips formed a straight line. Mina's skin was glowing, it was healthy and she no dark eye bags. Chaeyoung's skin was poorly treated and her eye bags were the first thing seen when taking a look at her face. The older girl sat up straight with perfect posture as Chaeyoung slumped on the seat.

"Just you?" Chaeyoung questioned again at a red light.

Mina turned to meet the curious brown eyes, "Yes. Why? Don't want to be alone with me?"

"No, I just don't like meeting people"

"Noted" the older girl smiled, "What are you doing for Halloween?"

Chaeyoung usually trick or treats with Yoongi and friends, Halloween was in two days and he hadn't said anything about it.

She shrugged, "Nothing probably"

"Well what do you usually do?"

"I got out with my friends"

Mina paused and pondered about what to say next. She didn't want to get too personal but she also wanted to satisfy her own curiosity. Mina was aware of Jimin befriending the younger girl along with other athletes.

"Not this time?" She asked.

Chaeyoung shook her head looking down at her shoes, "I don't think so"

"Why not?"

She knew why but didn't want to tell Mina too much. The girl didn't like letting other's into her personal life. Yoongi barely knew anything about her.

"I don't know" Chaeyoung responded. "What do you usually do?"

"Go out with my dog"

A loud snicker left Chaeyoung's mouth, she immediately cleared her throat and fixed her posture. Mina hadn't caught the moment a smile came to the girl's face, it had vanished instantly.

"Sorry, thats not funny" Chaeyoung muttered.

Mina paused for a while processing the positive reaction she had received from the girl, it was the first. She wouldn't mind being made fun of if it meant Chaeyoung would laugh a bit more.

"It's okay" Mina took a single glance at the girl then returned her eyes on the road. And again, she began to ponder about her next question. She believed it would be too much to ask but she didn't mind being turned down after today, "Want to join us?"

"I don't have a costume"

"That's okay, you don't need one unless you want one? If you want to come"

Chaeyoung kept her eyes on the floor, "I'll just tag along"

A wide smile appeared on Mina's face allowing her to stay silent for the rest of the ride. Again, convincing her was easier than she had thought. They arrived having to park at the very end of the lot. Chaeyoung felt tired just by listening to all the music and seeing the bunches of people.

"Do you drive?" Mina asked.

"Im not allowed to" Chaeyoung bluntly responded.

"Why not?"

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