Chapter 23

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Enchanted by Taylor Swift

The two ordered the same thing as last time with warm coffee as they waited. Mina took the time to listen to Chaeyoung share stories of her childhood. The day her father had left and the day she had woken up in the hospital bed. The oldest listened carefully watching how Chaeyoung would pause to take a deep breath and look away in order to hide the shine in her eyes.

Deep down, Mina hated hearing it all, she hated knowing the girl had gone through it all. She hated knowing that such a sweet soul had gone through such dark things. After talking over Chaeyoung's troubles and finding ways to work it out through their relationship, it was Mina's turn.

Mina told her all about the arguments she had with her mom over how much she had been eating. She was only eleven the first time her mother had commented on her weight. Not only would she comment on her face becoming the slightest fatter but also on how three meals a day was far too much for a beautiful girl like Mina.

It all lead to years of struggling and recovering only to fall back into that rabbit hole. With a smile, she reassured Chaeyoung that it was all in the past and she had a healthy recovery during the summer. Now, Mina enjoys food without feeling guilty. She'll eat when she wants to even if she had already eaten her three meals.

"That's amazing" Chaeyoung softly said to her. "I'm glad you have recovered, really that's a huge thing"

"Thank you" Mina responded.

They shared their meals with short conversations not being able to believe they had found in each other. Both girls had been vulnerable with the hardest things they had been through creating an even deeper connection in their relationship.

"So what are you going to do once you're eighteen?" Mina asked her girlfriend. She was curious.

"Move out" the girl responded without hesitation. "I'm out of here as soon as I can"

"Wow really?" She was a bit shocked.

The girl nodded, "Yes. I've been planning on that since I was a kid. If I make it through high school, I'm out of that house"

Mina was a bit speechless, "That's... cool. I'm glad you have some sort of plan"

"So..." Chaeyoung tired to keep their conversation going. "Christmas is in two days. If we can't see each other that day, we can always do Christmas Eve"

"We will 100% see each other tomorrow. I got you a gift" Mina beamed.

The smile on Chaeyoung's face dropped. How could she be so stupid? She hadn't bought a fight for Mina. She hadn't even thought about it. Christmas was never a time she actually bought or received many gifts. But how could she be so thoughtless to not purchase her sweet girlfriend a gift?

"Chaeyoung" the oldest lightly laughed. "It's okay. You don't have to get me anything"

"But I do. Youre my girlfriend! Do not worry, I'll put something together"

Again, Mina laughed and shook her head. "I'm serious. It's okay if you don't get me anything. As long as I get to see you and you kiss me, it'll be okay"

"Okay okay"

Of course, Chaeyoung wouldn't let it rest that easily.

After dinner, they went back to Chaeyoung's house. Both girls were tired and full laying on their backs shoulder to shoulder on the younger one's floor. They stared at the ceiling sharing small talk among each other. It was late, Mina needed to get home soon but she loved Chaeyoung's company a little too much.

"Do you want to play some music?" Chaeyoung offered.

Mina turned her head to face her and smiled with a soft nod admiring Chaeyoung's dimples. The younger girl got up and turned on her speaker. It was snowing outside and her room was being lit it up by her light and the falling flakes outside. The night was snowy and beautiful. She decided to play songs that she wanted to share with Mina so of course, the first one was her all time favorite; Apocalypse.

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