Chapter 18

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They sat across each other beneath a singular light that illuminated the booth they sat in. It captured Mina so beautifully the girl could only stare until getting caught. They ordered different types of ramen with a plate of spicy crispy chicken. The oldest kept looking around at everyone else who had their food, she could smell and it made her incredibly hungry.

"Hungry?" Chaeyoung questioned.

Mina looked embarrassed as she nodded. "Yes, very"

"Me too"

"How's Yoongi?"

Chaeyoung told her about seeing Yoongi and how he seems to be doing okay. She mentioned Jimin being there and bumping into her friends. They watched the snow fall from their window while waiting for their food. As soon as it arrived, Mina's smile widened as she sat up thanking the waitress.

It indeed was the best ramen and chicken Chaeyoung had ever tasted. The first bite filled her with warmth and pure spice. It was delicious to her, they both continued to eat while nodding their heads and smiling.

"How was it?" Mina asked her.

"Delicious. The chicken was amazing"

"Good. I told you! We should come here more often. It's a bit expensive but that's okay."

Chaeyoung happily nodded in agreement. She couldnt feel more glad about sitting across Mina in that booth. They talked a little and then they were on their way out hurrying to the oldest's car. It was mostly quiet between them, the girl was extremely tired and she kept dozing off. Mima noticed not minding the fact that she was tired.

That was the thing about Mina, she understood her.

The girl was alone inside her dark yet room again, like everyday. But she didn't feel too consumed by anything at all. Instead she closed her eyes and smiled just thinking about Mina. There was nothing more comforting than knowing that Mina would be there from now on. For anything at all, to just sit in silence.

When she went to sleep she dreamt of that Australian Shepard running around in a field chasing after Mina as the girl watched with a beaming smile on her face. And then, the oldest ran into her arms as if using her for protection from the sweet dog. In her dream, she could feel Mina's warmth and clearly hear her laugh. Once she woke up, she wished to still feel her arms wrapped around the oldest's waist just like she had done in the dream. Chaeyoung already dreaded for Mina even if they were together just hours ago.

She had received a message from Mina stating she'd be on her way soon. The girl jumped out of bed with an anticipating smile looking for an outfit good and warm enough to spend the day out with Mina. It wasn't too cold, snow was still on the ground but the sun was partially out illuminating the grey sky. On her way out, she spotted her vape right on her piano stand. She dug her nails onto her palm as she fought the urge but couldn't.

Chaeyoung lost a battle with her inner self and reached for the vape. She felt guilty hiding it in the pocket of her pants. The outline could be seen but she didn't care. It felt like a need to have it on her at all times. Even if she convinced her self she wouldn't use it and she just wanted to have it in her hold, it was a lie. Once the opportunity came, she'd smoke.

"Good morning!" Mina greeted her outside of the car.

"Good morning" the girl smiled.

The oldest fixed her bangs before reaching for the passenger door and opening it for Chaeyoung. With cheeks reddening, the girl stepped in finding her every action charming. Immediately after taking a good look at Chaeyoung inside the car, Mina saw the bulk in her pocket and knew what it was. Something in her sunk but another part of her understood those actions.

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