As The Time Passes

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*3 years later*
Samanta's POV:

"I don't know if your plan would work. But it's worth the try." I said to David. He had told me his plan but I really doubted it would work.

"Look, I'm not telling you if it will work or not. No need for your opinion. I'm telling you so you would know what to do whenever I tell you to do something." He said.

"Ugh whatever." I stood up from the couch and served myself a cup of water since we were at my house. Stella was now in 1st grade and Ignazio was again on tour with the guys.

"So. Did you figure out by when your next tour will start?" David asked and I turned.

"Yes. They have announced that in two more months we'll start on a two year world tour." I said. I was still excited yet a bit anxious about this.

"Two year tour? That's too much time being away from your family." He said.

"I know. But the reason we will be out for two years is because many fundraisers are happening and we were chosen to perform live, also some small towns made a contact with us to go and perform on their annual feasts and stuff like that." I took a breath and continued. "But that's not all."

I noticed David looking at me with confusion. "What?"

"We are going to film a movie in London and in the US. They are two different movies so that explains mostly why we will be out of the country for long." I said and smiled.

"Interesting. But you have to get me a copy of all the places and times of the shows okay. I want to go see you shine." He winked at me and I blushed.

"Oh stop it you!" I've noticed that he's staring to be attractive to me and vice versa. He's been so flirty but I control myself as I remember I'm married with Ignazio.

"Well. It was nice spending a morning  with you but I must go." David leaves his glass of whisky on the table and approaches me. "I'll see you soon." He takes my hand and kisses the top of it.

"I'll text you when I get the schedule okay?" I say and he nods. I turn around and walk him out to the door.

Venus's POV:

My babies, Camila and Angel, were now 7 and they were in first grade now. My princess Isabella had just turned 3 a few days ago and Piero had Skyped with her that night since he was on tour.

I, on the other hand, had dedicated half of my time with the kids and the other half with work. And that meant that sometimes I went crazy with both things at the time. Right now, I fixed Isabella up to take her with me to the store while Angel and Camila were at school.

"Mamma! Can we ride the game outside the store please!?" Isabella shouted as I drove.

"If we have time I'll let you ride it okay?" I say and look over the rear mirror to see her in her car seat. It didn't take us long to get there so we went in and got what we needed.

"Mamma?" She said and I turned to where she pointed at. I quickly check the time in my phone and nod. "Fine. 3 minutes only. Go!" I let her down in the floor and she ran to the small game area just outside the store. I pushed the cart near the area and I sat down.

Isabella looked so gorgeous in her little yellow dress with small red flower prints scattered around. I decided to check my Instagram so I took out my phone and scrolled through the new pictures of my friends.


"Camila! Angel! Bring Isabella back here now!" I shouted as I saw both of them open the gate of the house. The same man in the black hoodie and sunglass was standing across the street, looking our way. Isabella was walking straight to it and the twins were playing inside the security house.

I saw that they didn't obey me so I left the kitchen and went running to get Isabella. "Guys! How many times do I have to tell you to not play in there!?" I shouted at the twins.

"But mamma. We were on an adventure and Isabella had found something." Angel said.

"Yes mamma. We promise we won't do it again. We're sorry." Camila said and I sighed.

"Just don't do it again. Now come, let's wash up for dinner." I turned around and grabbed Isabella. 'These kids are going to drive me crazy. But I still love them.' I glared at the man once we were all inside. "I need to tell Piero."

*2 weeks later*

Piero's POV:

"I'll pick up the kids from school if you want amore. I don't have a problem." I said as I helped Venus do the twin's lunch boxes.

"It's alright Piero, I can take Isabella with me and from there I'll pick up the kids." Venus said. We were discussing our plan for later since Venus was going to be very busy with work today, just like me. Summer was coming and that's when we have to work the most.

"Alright, but if you need anything don't bother to call me." I assured her. She smiled and gave me a kiss. "Well, is that everything?"

"Yes. Their backpacks are in the living room and they'll be down any second now." Venus said and the twins came running in the kitchen, followed by my little Isabella.

"Breakfast!" They shouted and sat in the table. I chuckled and took a sip of my coffee.

"No more shouting and more eating kids. We don't want to be late. I'll be taking you to school." I say and they cheer.

"Okay! Come on, let's go." Venus said and the kids ate up.


"Camila, Angel... can I tell you guys something?" I say over the rear mirror.

"What is it dad?" Angel said.

"Look, today you're mother and I will be so busy with work. Mom will take Isabella with her to work while I'll be inthe studio downtown okay. If anything comes up and we can't go, walk home. Once home, lock the doors and call Mrs. Young. I'll call her so she can keep an eye on you two okay?" I said.

"Yes dad." Camila said.

"Here. You can have my spare key just in case. I really have a feeling that we won't be able to go for you." I said. I woke up this morning with this strange feeling, but I really hope that everything was going to be alright.

Venus's POV:

"Come on Isabella, we have to get to the school." I said down at Isabella. My car wouldn't turn on so we had to get a bus. We had to walk three streets down to catch the next bus and Isabella had been acting up since we left the office.

"Momma! I don't want to in the bus!" She whined.

"We have to Isa." My phone ringed and I answered. "Ciao?"

"Venus, are you going for the kids?" Piero asked.

"Yes, I'm actually in my way but my car wouldn't start so I'm taking a bus." I said as I pulled Isabella so she can walk faster.

"Okay, please be careful okay?"

"Yes. Hey I got to go. I'll call you once I'm home okay. Bye my love." I hung up and looked down. "Isabella!? What is wrong with you? There's nothing behind us."

"Momma the dark man!" She shouted and I picked her up.

"No one is following us, look." I turned and only three girls walked behind us. I turned the corner and my eyes went wide. "You?"

"Hello darling. Miss me?" David said and he charged at me. Isabella slipped off my arms as he had placed a rag over my mouth and nose. I fought back but I was going weak as I inhaled the substance in the rag. The last thing I heard was "Momma! No!" before my whole world went black.

Hey guys! Oh my God.  And I AM SUPER DUPER SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN SO LONG! I've been working on another story but it's almost over so I'll co tinue with this one and my othe Il Volo story. I hope yall keep VOTING, COMMENTING, AND SPREADING THE WORD! -Bridget

P.s: *gasps* :0 What the....??

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