Mental Assistance

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*5 years later*
Piero's POV:

"I can see that. Mr. Barone, would you mind and leave me alone with your daughter for moment?" The psychologist said. I nodded, got up and exit the room where Isabella and I were.

I walked back in the waiting room and sat in a comfortable sofa and picked up a magazine. I scanned through the pages and found an article about us, IL Volo. Ignazio's and Gianluca's face were glowing while mine was a fake smile. I sighed and stared at my picture for a couple of minutes.

I couldn't even smile anymore, laugh or at least giggle. I chuckled once in a while because of what Angel, Camila and Isabella did. It's been 5 years now since no one has heard of my Venus and I was starting to give up on finding her alive. But I haven't now that I have found out that both Isabella and I need psychological therapy.

Isabella needed it the most since she started having nightmares and sleepless nights. She cried most of the time and became anti-social at school. I got worried and quickly searched for a good doctor. I got in it too since I felt like expressing my thoughts and feelings with someone else than my friends and family.

"Um, excuse sir." Someone said and I looked up. It was a woman with a 3 year old girl. "Sorry to interrupt your reading, but... aren't you Piero Barone from Il Volo?"

I smirked and nodded. "The one and only. Yes." She smiled widely and pushed her daughter towards me.

"Oh! Do you mind if my daughter takes a picture with you?" She asked and I got up.

"Not at all. I love kids. I have three off my own." I said and put my fake smile up. I looked down at the little girl and stretched my arms to see if she would come with me. And she did, so I picked her up and posed for the picture. The lady herself also took a selfie and thanked me, leaving without another question. Didn't she not wondered why I was at a psychologist office? Some Ilvolovers were just like that. I sat back down and waited for the doctor to finish talking with Isabella.

Camila's POV:

"Angel! Come on!" I shouted as I crossed the street. The traffic around our school was getting heavy and Angel was afraid to get ran over.

"Hold on! Let's wait on the cars to pass!" He yelled from the other side of the street. I grunted and folded my arms across my chest.

"You do know that they'll wait right?" I shouted back.

"Still!" He yelled and I only shook my head. I was glad that school was almost over now and that we would be going to be in 8th grade now. I looked up at the bright sun light and clear blue sky as a plane passed by.

"Young lady?" Someone asked and I looked at the person. It was a man with sunglasses and some printed shirt and jeans.

"Um... can I help you?" I said and took a step back and grabbing the stop sign that now was behind me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Do you happen to know what the time is?" He asked as he stepped back and raising his hands up in the air.

"Uh yeah." I looked down at my wrist watch and said "It's 3: 15pm" and looked back up.

"Oh! Thank you kind girl." He said and smiled. His smiled was weird ugly and creepy in some way.

"May I help you?" Angel said out of nowhere. He now stood next to me and faced the man.

"Uh, I was only asking her for the time. Are you her boyfriend?" He asked. I frowned and we both looked at each other.

"She's my sister." I felt a grip in my hand and heard Angel say, "Let's go. Dad would be home worried." I nodded and he pulled me away from the man.

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