Beginning of a Search

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Ignazio's POV:

I still couldn't believe that Samanta was here. What she was talking about made seriously no sense and I was completely confused. "Why do you say such thing? You know very well that Venus has been kidnapped, for the second time, for over a year now." I said.

"Yes, I know. Look, I know where she is. I'm not lying or anything, I KNOW WHERE SHE IS." Samanta repeated.

"Don't play with that Sammy. This is something serious." Aj said to her.

"Fine. If you guys don't believe me then..."

"Where is she?" Gianluca interrupted me again. I turned to see him and he was very serious.

"Um... she's here in LA.... but that's all I can say."

"Bullshit!" Gianluca shouted and got up angry. "Get out of my house NOW!" He yelled and both Aj and I flinched.

"Gian! Calm down honey." Aj said as astonished as I was.

"I don't believe a word she is saying." Gianluca said to Aj. "I want her out of the house."

Sammy got up and straightened her sweater. "You know what? Gian is right. I should live because it's clearly seen I'm not welcomed here." She made her way to the door but stopped as Gianluca shouted, "If you truly know where Venus is, then why don't you truly tell us where she is."

She turned around and said, "Like I said, that's all I can say. My own life is in danger if I speak much. I truly thought that if I came here and tell you guys about this, you will help me get out of this, but I guess I was wrong." She madly put her purse over her shoulder and lastly said, "If you have any questions or doubts, Nazio knows where to find me." and slammed the door behind her.

Gianluca and Aj turned around with a questioning face. "I thought you didn't have any contact with her." Gianluca said.

"I don't! I have no idea in where to contact her. I don't have her current phone number nor I know where she lives!" I shouted.

"Unbelievable." Gianluca said.

"Wait. Guys, she looked so sure when she said that thing about Venus AND that Ignazio knows where to contact her." Aj said.

"You truly believe her?" Gianluca asked.

"Not really. But what I do know is that she looked very certain when she said both things." Aj said and I only raised my eyebrow.

"What if she's just playing with us?" I asked.

"No. She's not. She came to us for a reason. What if her life IS in danger?" Aj asked. The image of Piero's worried face came to me and that made me snap. I mean, what if the girl kidnapped was Stella or even Sammy for crying out loud. I would do whatever it is in my hands to find her.

"Maybe." I simply said and continued, "I think we should go and tell Piero. He NEEDS to know this."

Gianluca only looked at me and shook his head. "You believe what she has said?"

I stood up, not knowing what was Gianluca's problem. "Would you have thought the same if the one who was kidnapped was James or Aj?" His expression changed, now I got him.

"Um.. I wouldn't let that happen." He said.

"Exactly, so you'll believe anything if your ex came and gave you some hint in where to find them?" I asked.

"Uh... yes I guess." He stuttered. "But I don't know. Guys, don't you think it's weird that Sammy knows where to find Venus? I don't think this is normal."

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