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Samanta's POV:

"Yes! I told you I'm sf ill recording. I don't know when it's going to be over?! Well, I still have to go pick up Stella from school... How should I know? Ignazio can do whatever he wants to do ok? I don't jave to be following him everywhere he goes! Ugh, fine. I'll call him. Ok, I'll meet you there. Bye dude." I hung up and stood in the stall.

I got out and washed my hands, sven though i didn't use the restroom.  I heard someone go in but I never got to see who it was. I sighed and went back to the studio. As I walked back to the studio, I remembered what HE had told me. Today was finally the day that I was going to know of HIS plan.

Aj's POV:

'Dude?'  She only gave that nickname to... well Venus's worst nightmare.  But he was in a different and far place, away from us and without any knowledge of us. I quickly washed my hands and left.


The last song was finally recorded and everyone now went home. We finished two hours before than thought and that made me think on Samanta more. 'Whers is she going? Who is she going to see?'

A crazy thought ran by my head, but I shook it off. It was totally risky and stupid for me to do, mostly in this state. I went to say bye to Venus and left the studio. On my way to the parking lot, I heard Sammy' voice again.

"Nazio, did you pick Stella up? Oh ok, yeah. Sorry sweetie,  tell Stella I love her and that mom is going to come up with something because she's really sorry. Oh and I'm not going to be out until 9... yeah, you know, recording sessions take forever, specially that's the last details before the release.  Uh huh. Ok. Kiss Stella good night for me. Bye." Once she finished, another call was made. "Hey dude! Yeah, I was let out early. Can we meet up now or you busy? Yeah! Uh huh. I know where it is. Ok, see you there in 5. Bye dude."

'Again. Dude.  Ok this is so weird.' And without a second thought, my crazy idea was official.


'The King's Cafe. Well, I guess it was a friend she had came across with.' I thought but my gut told me something else. Something was so wrong about this mystery Samanta had for these couple of months.

I stepped in the corner outside of the restaurant and peeked through a window. I saw Samanta sit in a table facing my direction, and I noticed there was someone sitting in front of her. I passed by the caffe entrance and now stood on the other side of the restaurant. Now I saw the guy.

Venus's human nightmare.  The guy I used to have a crush on. David. David Brown. The guy that made my best friend's life miserable.


Hey guys! Sorry to update til now, ive been a bit busy lately with school work and such. I know the chapter is short but I just wanted to update for y'all! VOTE, COMMENT, AND SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget

P.s: OMG! So that's the guy that Venus is terrified of. Yup, I know. What's going to happen?

*So I need help for a name for Aj's baby. Ill want to hear any cute names from y'all. Im hving an awful time with that. Ill want to hear both girl and boy names. Thanks and in the next chapter ill announce the winning name! :*

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