Love Overcomes Everything

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*6 months later*
Ignazio's POV:

We were finally at the ballroom where the party was about to start. Samanta got released from jail a month ago and I proposed to her two weeks later. And guess what? She said yes, obviously because I'm so irresistible to her.

So today, we re-took what was always meant to be. We got married again and now we were at the reception hall. She was even much prettier this time and I could see she was as happy as I was.

"Congratulations Nazio!" Venus and Piero said. They came to our table and left a big present. I wonder what it was. Last time they gave us a toaster and some kitchen supplies.

"Thanks guys." I said and hugged each one of them.

"Hey, happy late anniversary guys." Samanta said to them.

"Oh yeah! It was five days ago! Man, I'm sorry I didn't even congratulate you two." I said as I was too happy and excited for our wedding.

"Oh it's okay Igni. Don't worry and thanks." Venus said.

"Well, we hope you guys enjoy your wedding day to it's fullest." Piero said to us and leaned towards me and whispered, "And the night too."

"Hey!" I shouted and he laughed so hard. "Venus, control your hormonal husband over here!" I said to Venus.

She started laughing and I couldn't avoid laughing too. "I think I know what he told you. Don't worry, he'll get punished."

Piero stopped laughing and looked at Venus with these puppy eyes. "What? No!" He said.

"Okay, I don't know how you manage to make Piero do that but you just gave me an idea." Samanta said from behind me.

"I'll pass you the secret later. For now, enjoy your party!" Venus said. We said goodbye and I sat back down with my lovely wife.

"Hey, where's Stella?" Sammy asked me. I looked around the table and over at our guest tables but Stella wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"She's probably with Isabela or the other kids. Don't worry, she's in here." I said confident.

James's POV:

"Isabela? Can I come in?" I asked through the door that separated me from seeing Isabela. We were in the main office of the reception hall changing and going over for the surprise of the night.

"You can come in." I heard her say and I opened the door. She was standing in front of the mirror just staring at it.

"Hey. Are you okay? Sure you can do this?" I asked her worriedly. I noticed she was breathing heavily so I took her by the shoulders and faced her towards me. "You're hyperventilating yourself. Breathe in slowly..... then out slowly. In. Out. There." She was doing as I said and then she calmed down. "Better?"

"Yeah. Thanks James." She finally spoke, which was a good sign.

"Are you ready to shine?" I asked her. She looked at me and smiled slightly.

"I'm super nervous. But I'm ready." She said and I smiled.

"Good. Now, let's go because everyone is ready outside." I said and stretched my hand for her to take it.

She looked at it at first then took in a deep breath and took it. "Alright. Let's go."

We both nodded and exit the room. As we got to where all of us (the kids) were I said, "Ready to show everyone your talent?"

"Yeah. I think it's time." She said and we stopped by everyone.

"Okay. Guys, remember that this is for our parents." Camila said.

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