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*3 months later*
Ignazio's POV:

I've been talking more to Sammy ever since the encounter in the restaurant. Of course, Stella is totally against this that's why I have kept it from her. I feel bad doing this but I know how she would react to this. Today, I was going to go for a walk and lunch with Sammy so I was getting ready.

"Dad, you're going to work not a party. Why all dressed up huh?" Stella asked as she came in my room. I was just putting on my coat and a stripped scarf over my shoulders.

"Why? I can't put this on? It cold outside... and what are you doing here? Are you supposed to be eating your breakfast?" I asked her.

"Woah Dad. Okay I get it, you don't have to interrogate me. And stop looking in the mirror like Uncle Gian, you look very handsome." She last said and left. I only chuckled and shook my head.

"We ate quickly and went to leave her to her school. I passed by the studio as Michele had told us yesterday to go pick up a song to look over. I did that and went to the park where Sammy and I had our first date to meet her there.

"Ignazio! Over here!" I heard Samanta's voice. I turned and saw her walking my way and I stopped walking.

"Hey. I was just getting here." I said.

"Oh! Okay same here. Um.. you want to go get something to eat first?" She asked and I nodded. We went to this Chinese restaurant and ate. We were just waiting for our dessert after while and she suddenly said, "Igni? Can I tell you something?"

I looked up at her and I noticed she was serious. "Sure. You know you can tell me anything."

"Well... It's about Venus." She said and I frowned.

"W-what about Venus?" I stuttered as I knew that whatever she was going to tell me was going to be just another hint to get to Venus.

"She's been through a rough time ever since she got kidnapped for the second time. And... I'm really sorry. I fell sorry for her. I just can't handle this anymore." She began to tear down.

I frowned, not truly understanding what she was saying. "What do you mean with 'I can't handle this anymore?' Sammy... Do you happen to know where she is?" I asked. She looked at me straight in the eyes and didn't do anything. I was impatient so I shouted "TELL ME!" as I slammed the table. She only flinched and frowned.

"It's just that... The pictures I showed a long time ago about her being the one who caused my brother to be paralytic... They were fake." She paused.

"Why are you bringing this up?" I asked still confused.

"Because the one who gave them to me is the same one who has Venus..." She got interrupted by her phone ringing. She looked at it as it rang for a while.

"Aren't you going to answer?" I said.

"Uh... Yeah. Um... Excuse me for a second." She said an I nodded. She quickly got up and went to the ladies room to answer it. Something wasn't right. That call made her nervous... I know Sammy.

After a ten minutes, she came running to my table. "What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"I must go. There has been an emergency at... My workplace and I just got called because they need my help. Ignazio, thanks for the lunch. We could talk later okay?" She said as she picked up her purse from the chair across from us.

"Um, okay. Yeah don't worry, you go and take care of that. Just text me whenever you have time. I hope that it's nothing serious." I said and she nodded. I got up and gave her a kiss in the cheek before she left. "Thanks again Igni." I only nodded and she left quickly. I sat back down in the table and signaled the waiter bring the check, meanwhile, I took my phone out and dialed Piero as I saw Sammy exit the restaurant.

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