The Truth

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Aj's POV:

"Congratulations Piero." I said as I gave him a hug.

"Thanks guys for coming." Piero said. He looked a bit shocked and tired, but I knew he was happy the most.

"Can I go in to give Venus a hug? I made Gian stop by your house and got some clothes for her." I said, showing the backpack I had packed for Venus.

"Sure, but how did you get in the house?" Piero asked.

"Oh, she gave me a spare key." I responded. Piero shrugged his shoulders and said ok.

"Oh! You brought Little James!" Piero said as he saw James move in Gianluca's arms.

"Yeah. We were going to the beach for a family picnic day but as soon as Aj got your call we drove here instead." Gianluca said, letting Piero handle James.

"I'll let you guys catch up. I'll be with Venus." I said and turned. I got to Venus's room and saw she was looking at the cradle beside her. "Venus?"

She turned and smiled. "Aj! Thanks for coming." She said weakly.

"You need to get some sleep girl. I heard you had a tough labor." I said.

"Yeah I know but... I dont want to... I can't get any rest." Venus sounded worried as she said this.

I frowned "Why? I mean look at her..." I approached the cradle and saw the beautiful baby girl sleeping "She's alright and she's asleep. You should get some too."

"Yeah. But... I need to tell you something. Can you close the door?" She said. I went and closed it and sat next to her. I helped her sit up a bit straight then she spoke.

"I saw David. Just a few minutes ago. He was here! Dressed as a doctor. He- he told me that he was going to come back and see me. I'm afraid he'll want to hurt my family." She started crying. I left the bag in the floor and hugged her.

I couldn't tell her I knew that David was here. She would be asking me questions like why didn't I tell her, or if I knew when he came here, if I told him to come, if I told him where she was and all about her life. I couldn't tell her, specially right now with the baby's arrival.

"There, there. Have you told Piero?" I let go of her and looked at her.

"I did and he said that he had cops in the nursery room. I guess he felt something was going to happen because I did tell him to do that." Venus replied.

"Ok girl. It's alright. I'll tell him to get the police to escort you to your house and stay there. I'll help with anything, even if we have to pay the cops to be at your house. It won't matter." I said. I really don't want anything to happen to her or her family. She has had enough in life that she deserves to be happy.

"Thanks Aj. Hey, do you know why Samanta didn't want to come?" She asked me.

"No. But she has been acting different. And... I also have to tell you something about her." I looked down at my hands.

"What is it?" I looked at her and said "Promise me you won't be mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you? Ok I promise but tell me."

"A couple of months ago, when we were finishing up with the album, I heard Sammy talking in the phone with someone. She called him "dude". Then, after we left, I heard her again saying she was going to meet up with the guy and she even made Ignazio go pick up Stella. Anyways, I... followed her to a cafe and saw... David give Sammy an envelope. I quickly wanted to tell you but he caught me and threatened me by killing James and Gianluca." I took a deep breath and looked down at my hands. "I was afraid and I didn't tell you. I tried to give you hints but I guess you didn't understand me."

Venus's POV:

I knew how Aj felt and I couldn't be mad at her for keeping it from me. I understood her completely.

"No. I-i did understand,  and im not mad at you. In the contrary, I knew it was him because... when I came back for the honeymoon I looked outside my bedroom window and saw a shadow. I creeped out a bit but deep inside, I knew it was danger coming." I said. She looked up at me, tears rolling off  her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Venus." I took her hands in mine and said "You don't have to apologize for nothing. Now, what we need to do is be very aware of our surroundings and protect our families." I said. She nodded and gave me a tight hug.

"Hey, you still need to rest. I'll be outside if you need anything ok?" Aj said.

"Ok. I'll try to sleep for a bit." I said. She walked to the cradle and kissed Isabella in her head.

"She's beautiful. Does she have a name yet?"

"Yes. Her name is Isabella." Aj smiled and left. I was now a bit more relaxed as I heard Aj confess this to me. I slowly looked over at Isabella and closed my eyes.

Hey! Wow I truly apologize for not updating in such long time! Im really really sorry! But here's a short and sweet chapyer to make up for all that. I hope yall like it! VOTE, COMMENT, AND SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget

P.s: Does anyone want to guess what's going to happen?

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