Back to Hell

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Venus's POV:

I felt tingling in my fingers out of a sudden. My body felt so relaxed yet I felt cold. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly as I was just waking up. A shiver wend down my spine so I opened my eyes and tried to reach for a blanket.

But, I wasn't in Piero's room, nor I was able to move my arms nor bend. I was in some kind of standing bed, all tied up from my wrists, my chest and my legs. The only thing I was wearing was some kind of hospital gown. "Huh?" I said outloud, even though my mouth was super dry. "Piero?"


"Piero? Where...?" That's when I realized what had happened last night. I felt a sharp thing in my back and my entire body was shutting down. The last thing I remembered was hearing Piero say that I had been sedated. "Oh no." I whispered.

"Oh yes." A voice boomed in the dark room. That made my chills run faster throughout my body.

"Why?" I asked.

"You did the wrong thing and now I must punish you. I truly didn't want to do this, or even get to this point but now, you leave me with no choice." the man said. I couldn't quite hear his voice clearly since the echo of the room was louder than him.

"David?" I asked. My heart began to beat fast and my legs went weak. If it wasn't because I was tied up, I would have fallen on my knees.

"Yes darling. It's me." A bright light was flashed towards my face, making me go blind for a few seconds. I then got used to it and noticed him walking towards me. "I'm truly sorry Venus, but like I said, I have to punish you."

"What? Wait, where exactly am I? And why am I even in a hospital gown?" I started to ask questions.

"You're home, where you belong. And, you are in that because your about to receive your punishment. I was only waiting for you to come to." David said. He took out some gloves from his brown coat and put them on. "Shall we begin? Steve, please turn it on."

A loud working machine began to rumble and my arms began to raise to the top my head. "Wha - what are you going to do to me?" I stuttered terrified for my life.

"Oh, don't worry. This is an invention I made just in case I ever needed to use it on you. This baby is safe so you can stop thinking that I'll hurt you. In the contrary, I would never be able to hurt you." He said as he stood right in front of me.

"P-please. Let me go. L-look I promise I will obey you at everything you want! But please let me go!" I pleaded but it was no use.

"Let's begin." He happily said as if he was about to conduct an orchestra. A machine arm got closer to my stomach and stopped right below my ribcage. David then stepped closer and raised my gown to my breasts.

He exposed me and slowly made the standing bed move so I could be laying down. "David? David please! What are you doing to me?" I kept pleading but it was no use again. He had grabbed some cloth and stuffed it in my mouth so I wouldn't speak.

"Shush. You won't let me focus!" He shouted and I flinched. That was my breaking point. I began to cry as I knew I was going to get killed by this psychopath, without getting the chance to say goodbye to my children or husband.

The machine's arm got closer and a needle stuck out of it. It was centimeters away from my stomach and I began to panic. "This won't hurt a bit." The needle then got in my skin, right where my stomach was. I felt this heavy and burning liquid enter my system, making me feel everything numb and hot.

My eyes began to get super heavy and my body went numb once again. "Now, you're all mine." I heard David say in a slow motion voice. Next thing I knew, I was being carried somewhere before I last saw him on top of me.

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