This Can't Be Happening

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Piero's POV:

'Grande amoooooorree!' *Ring, ring*

"Piero!" Massimo shouted at me. We were recording our new album and my phone went off.

"Scusami! Let me answer real quick." I said and stepped out the booth, answering and not even bothering to see who it was. "Ciao?"

"Ciao Mr. Barone."

"Yes, who's this? I'm a bit occupied at the moment." I answered.

"It's me Mrs. Young, your neighbor. I'm just calling to let you know that Angel and Camila are home."

"Home? Of course they are! Venus went to pick them up." I said confused.

"No. The kids came to my house and gave me the key to let them in your house. I gave them something to eat and I'm here right now, watching them do their homework." She said.

"What? Is Venus and Isabella there?" I asked.

"No. I'm here with your kids alone. Mr. Barone... huh? Excuse me, let me go answer the door, please hold." Mrs. Young said and I frowned. I turned around, with the phone still pressed against my ear.

"What's wrong?" Gian asked.

"I don't know. Mrs. Young called me. She says that the kids went to her house and right now she's with them. I'm on hold, someone knocked." I said and both Gian and Nazio frowned.

"Mr. Barone?" Mrs. Young asked. I noticed her voice a bit shaky.

"Yes? Is anything wrong?" I asked, getting even more worried.

"T-the police just came. T-they are saying that they found Isabella abandoned in a street screaming for help."

"What?! W-where is she?" I panicked.

"The police are taking me there, it's 10 blocks away from here, by the Harmony Park. I'll take the kids with me." She said, sobbing through the phone.

"No! You stay there, please don't announce this to the kids please. I'll go there right away!" I quickly hung up and rushed out to the location.


"Papá!" Isabella shouted and ran towards me.

"Isabella! Oh darling! Are you alright? Are you hurt?" I asked after we hugged and I pulled her away to check on her.

Her little eyes were red and puffy from all the crying. "P-papa! He took mamma and left me here!" She sobbed and tried to breath and talk at the same time.

"Honey, slow down. Breathe in slowly and let it out gently. In, out. Did you see the man that took mom?" I asked in hope for her to say something.

"He had on black sunglasses and a brown t-shirt that said 'Beer'." She said and a police man approached us.

"Are you the father of this child?" He said in a concern tone.

"Yes. Officer,  what's going to happen now? You'll find my wife will you?" I asked, picking up Isabella.

"We will do our best. But these couple of days we will need her to confess what she saw. She's the only one who saw who it was. She might have enough evidence for us to track him down." He answered and I nodded.

"Yes, you'll have my permission.  But please, I want my wife to come back safe and sound." I begged the officer and he patted me.

"Like I said, we will do our best. And we guarantee it she will be back in no time. But we need you to come with us to the police station to get a report on this. Please follow me." He turned and I followed the police officer.

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