It's Real

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David's POV:

I noticed someone from outside, peeking through the window of the shop.

"Did someone follow you?" I asked Samanta.

She frowned and shook her head sideways. I didn't believe her. I gave her the orange envelope I had in hand and said "I hope its enough. We must start now. No time to waste." I got up and left.

Aj's POV:

After I saw him get up, I stood leaning against the wall, thinking of how he got to where he is right now and wondering why Sammy never told us anything. I freaked out and the first thing to do was to leave and go tell Venus to be careful. I got on my cad and drove to Venus's house.


I got off from the car and started walking to the gate. I thought on how I was going to tell her that David is here in Sicily,  probably haunting her down. As sson as I was about to grab the gate door, a strong force pulled me backwards, stumbling and getting thrown to the brick wall.

"Don't you dare tell Venus I'm... here." David paused and saw my belly. "Wow. A mother huh?"

He let go of my arm quickly and I tried to run away but it was inpossinle. He grabbed my arm again and threw me back at the wall. He placed his hands on the wall, surrounding me. "You're not going anywhere. Let's go for a walk shall we?"

"No! I will not let you het to Venus and ruin her life once again David. What did she ever do to you? She was loyal to you. You knew she never talked with anyone except for me and Samanta. What do you really want form her?" I asked. I did have a point by asking and saying all this. To find out what he really wants.

"I'll answer all those questions you made only if you accept my friendly walk around the park." He said. His face was serious, but his eyes were full of hate and vengeance. Vengeance? Yes, vengeance was the right word. We went to the park across the street and sat on a bench. He told me what I wanted to hear.

"I came to take back what belongs to me. Venus has been mine and she will be mine. And no one, you hear me, no one will stop me from making her my bride and have my children." His words were clear enough that I could replay them in my mind over and over again.

I thought on how I was going to tell all this to Venus. To keep her and her new family safe from any of his malicious plans.

"You will not tell Venus about any of this, or you'll see what's going tk happen with your lovely husband, oh or maybe that child you have in your womb." He pointed at my belly. No one will threaten me with my husband's or my baby's life.

"You wouldn't you nasty, filthy bastard!" I scram getting up and ready to leave.

"Oh, you know I can do anything. Don't make me dodo what I don't want to do. And if you ever ask me how I'll get Venus back... I'll make sure you'll regret everything you've done in life!" He said, anger raging out from his eyes and voice. "Come now. Let me take you back to your car or should I drop you in front of Venus's house?"

'Did he really say that? Hiw long has he been here?'

"You already kniw where she lives? Since when have you been here?" I asked, turning sideways and walking with him at my back.

"Yes and not much ago. Ok, about 7 months ago now. Any other question? Cuz I need to you to act normal once you see Venus." He said, chuckling through his response.

I turned my heal and said to his face "Oh, don't worry about that. And thus is going to be the last tume I'll ever see and hear from you. Also, it'll be the last time you tell me what to do."

"Well I doubt that. But... farewell!" He smirked and left. As I walked through the gate and up to Venus's front door, I asked myself 'Did he really came here to get Venus or to put her family in danger?'

I took a deep breath and knocked. Venus opened the door and I went in. I felt an urge to scream what I just had gone through but I couldn't. I wasn't going to let my family be threatened my some psycho guy. But in the back of my head, I knew I had to come up with a plan to warn Venus and her family.


Hey my people! Sorry I had you abandoned for a while. My birthday came and I went to a club (yes a nightclub crazy huh?) And got a picture with my fave artist :D but rite now im home nd taking care of my mom. She's kinda sick and im also doing laundry. But dont worry, ill try and update more, I promise :3. VOTE, COMMENT, AND SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget

P.s: What dod you think of this chapter? That guy is crazy, believe me. I got everything written down ;) muahahaha! :P

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