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*2 months later*

Aj's POV:

I shopped for a bit more baby clothes. I knew what gender it was, but I wanted to surprise Gianluca. The baby would be born in two days and I was a bit anxious to see Gian's face. I went through the diaper section and found a box of wipes. It was the last one so I reached for it but at the same time, another person grabbed it.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" The person asked. I looked up and saw David.

"What are you doing here? Have you been following me?" I got surprised at him being here.

"I'm not following you. And I'm here to buy something for MY baby."

"Your baby?" I frowned.

"Yes. Venus's baby. Isn't she due next month?" He smiled and winked at me.

"Your such a stalker. Plus I don't think she'll want you close to... ugh!" I bent down as a pain rose up my stomach.

"You should have stayed quiet." Were the last words to hear David say before everything went black and the pain won over me.

Gianluca's POV:

"Aj Ginoble please!" I said to the nurse over the counter.

"She's in room 15A. Down the hall." The nurse said.

"Thank you. Stay here." I turned and ran to the room. Piero and Ignazio had given me a ride to the hospital after a call from Aj's phone.

I had no idea who it was but I only knew that it was a guy. 'She's in the Mother and Child Emergency Hospital. I think she's having the baby!'  His words repeated in my head. I reached the room and opened the door.

"Aj." I whispered as I saw her laying in the hospital bed. She opened her eyes and smiled weakly.

"Turn around" She said tiredly.  I turned and saw a nurse holding a blue blanket.

"Congratulations Mr. Ginoble.  It's a boy." She said and handed me the baby. I had no idea on how to hold him since he was very small. I took him and with one hand I holded his head and with the other and my chest, his little body.

"Aj! Hi baby... I-I'm your daddy." I said smiling and feeling a tear roll down my cheek. "Oh, what do we name him?" I looked up at Aj and walked to her side.

"What about James?" I smiled widely and nodded.

"James Ginoble it is." I said, kissing my baby boy's forehead.

*2 weeks later*

Venus's POV:

"Breath in... then out! In, out!" I heard Piero shout.

"Piero... I know what to do?!" I shouted back. We were on our way to Piero's parents house but I started getting contractions. I wasn't due until three more weeks or so, but I guess the baby wanted to come.

"I'm sorry but I freak out with all this baby stuff and you should know that by now mi amore." Piero said a bit calm, focused on the road. He was driving fast and it scared me. I took Piero's hand and squeezed it hard.

We got to the nearest hospital and I was helped in and up in a wheelchair.  The nurses rushed me in to a room and got me ready for labor. Piero stood by my side the whole time, which was good for me to feel a bit safe.

"You'll be alright.  I'm here with you." Piero's voice echoed in my head as my vision started getting blurry.

"Hurry! Her blood pressure is going up fast!" A nurse said and people around me started running. I had Piero's hand still grabbed but I felt very weak and slowly let go.


"Wh- what happened?" I said as I woke up from a long dream. There was a doctor checking my file at the doorway.

"You're stabilized now and your baby is fine and healthy. By the way, congratulations on the baby girl." His voice sounded so familiar, but I couldn't tell who it was.

"Where is my baby?" I asked, trying to get up.

"Don't move. She's alright and the nurses will come with her shortly." I looked at the hand that was now in my shoulder. I, then, looked up and saw who it was.


Hey guys! How are ya? Lol im bored so I decided to update. Im currently in college, waiting for my next class to start :/ ugh! Anywhoos! Let me know what yall think of this chapter by a VOTE, a COMMENT, and helping me SPREAD THE WORD! ;)   -Bridget

P.s: Dun dun dun duuun! I know im evil but dont hate me, its all part of my plan. Yall know who this doctor is? And... what happened with Aj in the store? :O

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