A Double Surprise

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**Before you start reading, there's a bit of a warning of kind of perverted jokes on some parts**

Aj's POV:

"What's wrong? Are you sure your ok?" I said. I let Venus is the house. She looked scared and pale like when we were in high school. "Here." I handed her a glass of water so she can relax. And she did since she chugged the whole glass down in one gulp. "Wow!"

"Sorry. I just... ugh don't worry. I might just be kind of scared and sad of being by myself since the kids are now in school." Venus said.

"Aw. Don't be afraid to be alone. You have me! Well a bit far but I'm here." I said and smiled. "They have to grow up eventually. When you least expect it, they will be in high school, or even college!" She laughed.

"Yeah.. hey so what's this important thing you have to tell Sammy and I? Just spill it out already!" Venus said, anxious just like me.

"Just hold on a bit. Come on, let's go because you have to go pick up your kids." With that said, Venus and I went to the jet and flew over to Samanta's house.

Samanta's POV:

"Yay! You guys made it!" I was so happy when I saw them.

"Wow! Sammy, you sure have lost weight!" Venus said. "Your looking good!"

"Yeah, thanks Venus. Omg! Thank God you guys are here because Ignazio is in Rome and Stella is in kinder so I'm all alone. Um, well not anymore!" I said. They passed in the house and I served them some orange juice, since it was 9 am. "Ok, so what's this important news you must share with both of us Aj?"

She got so excited and scooted more to the edge of the couch and blurred "You guys... I'm pregnant!" Venus and I looked at each other and congratulated her.

"Oh my god! Congrats Aj! You'll see that it's wonderful to have a baby in your arms." I said.

"Congrats girl!" Venus said and hugged Aj. "How many weeks ado you have?"

"Yeah! When was the little bean created!" I shouted laughing.

"I will be two months tomorrow." Aj responded.

"Ohh! Honeymoon baby!" I shouted. We laughed and talked about kids afterwards, but Venus became quiet after Aj's news.

"Ok. Hold on there. What's wrong with you Venus? Why are you so quiet out of a sudden?" I asked, concerned... well mostly curious.

"Well... I also have some news for you guys. I'm also pregnant. One month to be exact." Venus said, placing her hands in her stomach.

"Dang! You two sure got quiet some action in y'alls honeymoons! You sure want me to be an aunt way too soon, specially you Venus." I said, teasing both of them. The rest of the morning went by fast that I got sad when Venus and Aj had to go back. The good thing was that we made plans all three of us for later.

Venus's POV:

I cooked dinner while Camila and Angel were playing outside. I was glad that there was huge window in the kitchen and slide doors so I could have an eye on them. I had the kitchen window open so I could also hear their giggles and laughs. The oven's timer went off and I took out a batch of cookies for dessert.

"Kids! Dinner is served! Come and wash your..." I saw a man was talking to the kids by the gate. I ran to where they were and stood in front of them. "Kids go and wash up for dinner now!" I turned and saw a tall, skinny man. He wore a black jacket and blue jeans, brown combat boots and wore dark sunglasses. "May I help you sir?"

Unknown's POV:

She stood there, prettier than ever. "Oh no miss. I was just walking by and saw a ball roll down the street. I picked It up and gave it back to them, that's all."

"Oh! Well, thank you sfor getting their ball sir. I appreciate it. " she said. Her voice, gentle as always, rang in my ears.

"You're welcome miss. Now if you excuse me, I must go home. The sunset is coming fast and it'll be dark. Have a nice evening, and sorry to bother." I replied.

"Oh no worries! Once again, thank you and have a good evening too." With that said, Venus turned and left. The house was huge, just like the gate, but the brick fence was too short for me.


Hey guys! I know that the font is a little weird but I hv no internet so I have to update from my phone. I hope you guys liked the short chapter. Sorry for that too. I promise that the next chapter is going to be a bit longer. I have to say to all of you thanks for reading this book and I can't wait to see yall happy and enjoying this story. VOTE, COMMENT AND SPREAD THE WORD!! -Bridget

P.s: So any ideas on who is this mysterious guy? He's such a stalker! Ugh I hate stalkers lol! ;) Bye my spexial readers! Have a nice day/ night (if ur reading at a night time)

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