His Arrival

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David's POV:

I smiled and said "Hello darling.  Miss me?"

Her eyes were wide in surprise. I left her speechless.  "Wha- what are you doing here? How did you get in here? Wh- what..."

"Calm down. We'll have plenty of time to talk, but for now you need to rest." I said.

"No! Where's my baby? I swear if you do anything to her, you'll pay for it?!" She said a bit paranoid.

"No, no. I won't harm a child."

"You would harm anyone who gets in your way." One of the machines started to beep loudly and uncontrollably.

"Calm down! Fine I'll leave but I'll see you soon." I kissed her forehead and she pushed me back.

"Don't mess with my family David! Get away! Stay away from me!" She screamed now and I left the room.

Venus's POV:

Nurses and a doctor came rushing in. "Ma'am please calm down." One nurse said. Two other nurses holded me down against the bed. I wanted to get away and take my baby before that monster took her.

"No! He's going to take my baby. Please, someone has to stop him!" I shouted and kicked.

"What's going on?" Piero appeared in the doorway.

"Piero don't let anyone take my baby?!" I shouted louder. He ran to my side and holded my hand.

"No one will take our baby. I have guards protecting the room she is in." He said. He kisses my head and I stopped kicking and fighting against everyone.

"Piero, he's here." I sais crying.


"David." I answered in between sobs.

"But he's in the other side of the world and in a jail. He can't be here. Look, you had a rough labor mi amore and you need a lot of rest. Now close your eyes and sleep for a bit."

"No. I want to see my baby first." As soon as I said that , another nurse with a big pink blanket in her arms appeared.

"Congratulations Mrs. Barone. It's a girl." She said and handed me a beautiful baby girl.

"Oh my god! Hi mamma." I holded her in my arms. She was sound asleep. She had Piero's nose and forehead but she had my hair. "She's adorable. Piero..."

I looked up and he said "I got the name list." He pulled put from his back pocket and showed me all the names.

"No. Her name is Isabella." I said.

"But that name isn't here." Piero confusedly said.

"I remember meeting a pretty girl I  the street when I first came to Sicily. Her name was Isabella and I liked it." I said smiling down at my baby.

"I like it. Isabella Barone. Yeah. It's perfect for her." Piero said and hugged me and our princess.

"Where's Camila and Angel?" I asked.

"They're on their way here with my parents. Aj and Gianluca are outside."

"Did Sammy and Nazio came?"

"Ignazio will get here in a sec but Sammy didn't want to come."

"That's strange.  Sammy has been acting awkward around me, lately. I don't know what's going on with her." I said frowning.

"Don't worry,  she'll eventually come and visit us. But for now, you need to be calm and get some rest." Piero said and took Isabella from me. He placed her in her baby crate next to me and kissed her little hand. He kisses mine too and left for me to rest.

I looked at Isabella and said "I will protect you my little angel. I'll kill anyone who'll want to hurt you if I have to."

Hey guys! I'M SUPER SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR A LONG TIME!!! really im truly sorry. The chapter is short and sweet. VOTE, COMMENT, AND SPREAD THE WORD!  -Bridget

P.s: Wow! Do you think Venus would do what she said?

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