Kim and Him

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Samanta's POV:

I couldn't sleep the whole night. I walked around the house, drank some tea, and I even went oitside to pick up Stella's toys. The last time I saw the clock was at 3 am.


"Samanta! Oh my God, look at you!" Kim said.

"Kim! You've also changed much! oh, I miss you girl! How have you been?" I asked excitedly as I saw my best friend since middle school, Kim Del Rio.

"I've been awesome! I heard you now live better than me." She said. We sat down at a table in the middle food court of some mall. We were eating a couple of cupcakes and some coffee.

"Hey, look. I actually came to meet up with this random person that sent me a letter to my house. It only said for me to come here. Do you happen to see a person wearing a brown suit?" I asked, hoping she knew or saw anyone.

"Um, yes actually. But I don't know if you would want to meet up again with this particular person. He's actually right behind you." Kim said. I turned to see who it was, and found out it was my ex boyfriend Daniel.

"Samanta! Wake up! Are you ok?" I heard Ignazio's voice in a far distance. I opened my eyes and he was sitting next to me, looking at me like if I was hurt.

"Yeah. What? Did I have a nightmare?" I sat up and turned to see the time. 8: 17 "Nazio! Stella is going to be late for school! Oh, I can't afford for her to be late!" I jumped out from bed and found the first shirt and pants to put on.

"Sammy..." Ignazio said, but I interrupted. "Nazio help me wake Stella up! Don't just stand there!" I was struggling to put in my jeans.

"Sammy!" he yelled.

I looked up at him furiously "What?!"

"I took care of that. Stella is at school now. I felt you last night, that you couldn't sleep so I decided to get up and drop her off."

"Nazio! Why didn't you wake me up to at least say goodbye to her?"

"I was, but I sww you so soundly asleep so I didn't wake you up.  Stella came in actually, and gave you a kiss before we left."

"Oh honey! Thanks! I really thought she was going to run late." I went towards him and hugged him.

"You're welcome my love. Well, I must go to the office. You can go pick up Stella and meet here later on so we can go out to have dinner, what you think?" Ignazio asked.

"Yes! That's a good idea. Oh, but I'm taking Stella to the museum. Just in case you get out early, call me." He nodded and kisses my forehead. He walked to the door and said "Breakfast is made. Love you!"

I smiled and took off the clothes I struggled with, and took a bath. Once I finished getting ready, I ate the breakfast Ignazio made and went to my home office to keep working on ideas. Even though I concentrated in my work, in the back of my head was the letter and wondered who was this person. When I realized what time it was, after a while, I got up and went for Stella.


hey guys! so college started and its cool lol Ive been writing more chapters nd the good ones are about to come, trust me. VOTE, COMMENT, AND SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget

P.s: Can the mysterious person from the letter be her ex? who do you think it is?

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