Not Everything is a Rose Color

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Venus's POV:

I couldn't believe that Piero would have jumped out of the stage just like that. He began running my way so I thought of just leaving but I couldn't. My body froze in that instant so I didn't go anywhere and just stay there until Piero reached my seat.

"Is it you? Venus?" He asked once he looked down at me. I was feeling all sorts if emotions, joy, agony, sorrow, excitement, caring, and others. But the most was happiness.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out, so I just slightly nodded. He sighed un disbelief and smiled at me, his eyes started to get watery. I gulped hard as I wanted to cry too but I showed my tough side. He then, stretched his hand for me to take it. "Come. Let's sing one song. Please."

I couldn't avoid but to smile at him and nod in agreement. I took his hand and then all the people in the theater began gasping while others clapped loudly. I took my eyes away from him for a second and turned back to look at the crowd. Everyone was clapping and cheering as both of us walked down the row to get in the stage.

"Mom!" I heard someone scream in the distance. I looked ahead and noticed a girl waving my way. I frowned and heard Piero say, "It's our Isabela. If you want, stay backstage so we can all see get to hang out with you. There's so much we have to talk about." He quickly said as we passed her.

I recognized her instantly and she stretched her hand for me to take. I smiled at her and did grab her hand for a couple of seconds before continuing my way towards the stage with Piero.

Camila's POV:

I couldn't believe my eyes. Both Angel and I were seeing what was going on from the backstage televisions. "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" I asked shocked in place.

"Uh huh." I heard Angel say. I quickly looked at him and he did the same. Without even saying anything else, we nodded at each other and went running to our reserved seats.

Once outside in the seating area, rushed next to an even more excited Isabela. "Is she really..?" I just said as Angel and I stood beside Isabela.

"Yes. I told you I wasn't crazy." She said happily as we all were now staring at the woman in a black dress walking next to Dad. They stopped by his microphone as Uncle Ignazio and Uncle Gianluca were shocked and glad to see her.

Dad leaned on the microphone and announced "I do apologize for my spontaneous action, but I just found my life's missing piece." The entire theater went 'aw!' as the woman was hugging our uncles. "As you all know, my wife had... disappeared. But today, I got to find her, hidden in the crowd."

When I heard dad say that, a lump began forming in my throat. "Isabela, I'm sorry for calling you crazy." Both Angel and I said in chorus. She only laughed and waved it off as she said, "It's okay. Now shush as our Mom is going to sing with Dad and our uncles."

I looked back at the stage and noticed that someone had brought an extra microphone. The woman leaned in and tapped the microphone. "Testing" Once her voice reached my ears, my tears rolled out and I smiled like crazy. "Mom." I whispered to myself.

"How is everyone doing tonight?" Mom started to speak and the crowd roared. "Thanks. I haven't sang in such a long time, but, let's see what we've got." With that said, Dad whispered something in her ear and she nodded. Uncle Gian and Ignazio nodded at each other as Dad went to one of the musicians to tell them something.

"Oh! Well hello!" Mom started saying as some of the girls in the front row were screaming for her attention.

"Mom! Mom over here!" Both Isabela and Angel began shouting. Over all the screaming, Mom managed to look our way and send us a warm smile. I smiled back and waved, sending her a blown kiss to her direction.

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