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Ignazio's POV:

"Apa? What are we doing here? This place is creepy." Stella asked.

"Someone you know wants to see you." I said simply. She had no idea that Sammy was locked up. I was afraid of how she was going to take it, so kept it all a mystery.

"Who? Dad can we please go." She said a bit uncomfortable.

"Hey. Look at me please." I said as I turned her chin for her to look at me. "Just promise me one thing. Be good to this person and listen to what person has to say. If you don't like it you have the right to leave this place and wait for me outside in the office. Understood?"

She nodded a bit taken back by what I had asked her to do. "As long as this makes you happy I'll be happy Dad." She said to me and wrapped her arms around my neck, giving me a tight hug.

"I love you so much Stella." I said and closed my eyes to hug her even more.

"I love you too dad." Stella replied and we stayed like that for a couple of minutes. I opened my eyes and looked up, noticing she was coming.

"Hey." I said as we broke our bear hug, "Remember what I just told you." I simply said and she nodded.

"Hi Ignazio, hi Stella." Sammy said as she came to a stop on the other side of the table and behind the small metal chair.

I looked up at her and smiled slightly as for Stella, she just looked shocked at seeing her mother here. "Hi Sammy. How are you?" I asked as she sat down across from us. I looked over to Stella and she was scanning Sammy from head to toe.

Stella's POV:

'Why is she in handcuffs and an orange suit? What did she do? Why is she even here?!'

My brain was all jumbled up at looking at the person who had called for me. She spoke with Dad for a while then she turned to see me and said, "You know, you're so beautiful now that you're grown up Stella."

'If I have to behave, I have to answer as shortly and quickly as possible.' "Thank you." I simply said.

"Stella, your mom..."

"Dad..." I interrupted him. "Someone please tell me why you are here? And... since when?" I asked.

"Well..." My so called Mother scooted up her chair and got closer to us. "Look, I know you have a lot of questions right now, and I'll answer them all in detail if you let me do something."

I sat there, not knowing what to do. I blinked away a few times before I spoke. "Sure."

"Could I uh... hold your hands?" She asked. 'Why would she want to hold my hands?' I looked over to Dad and he was looking at me a bit sad. 'Why is he sad? What's going on?'

Without a word, I looked down at my lap and saw my hands. I then rose them up and laid them in the table and slid them towards her. I felt pity of her but Dad once said to never feel pity for anyone. "Oh!" She said and began caressing them, suddenly she began to chuckle in a weird way and her head fell in her shoulders.

Samanta's POV:

She let me hold her hands. I felt so good as she was trying her best to commute properly. But I've forgotten how small and fragile her hands could be. I let my head fall as I knew the tears were just about to roll down.

"Sammy, are you alright?" Ignazio asked.

I looked up and sniffed a bit. "Yeah." I simply said and looked at my baby girl. She looked shocked and confused all at the same time. "I'm so sorry Stella. Sorry for everything." I could just say.

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