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Venus's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes after the shotgun was heard loudly. I was holding my breath the entire time and looked down at my feet. The captain's body was in the ground, blood ran slowly towards me as it came from his chest. I reached down to him to check if he was alright but he was dead. I didn't want to look up but I did and saw David with a smirk on his face.

"Well! Does anyone here want to go next?" David asked and the men that were around me raised their hands in defeat. "That's what I thought. Now, let's get my package back and pretend nothing happened alright?"

He signaled some men to take me and follow him. They dragged me back to the room where I had been in and put me inside the box again. "Please David! Leave me alone!" I shouted but all three men ignored my shouts. They pinned me down and quickly closed the wodden box I was in. I panicked, kicked, and shouted until I felt lightheaded and fell in a deep sleep.

I could feel my lungs breath fresh air again. I wanted to move but I couldn't as there was something in my my wrists and feet. I frowned and opened my feet. I couldn't see anything because the room where I was, was pitch black.

I cleared my throat and said "Hello? David... David?" There was no response for a minute or so. A ray of light appeared to my right side and I turned to look at it. It became wider and brighter. It was a door, someone opening it and coming in. "Where am I?" I asked.

The door closed and a light was turned on. I squinted my eyes as the light was too bright. "You're home honey." The deep voice said.

"David. I know it's you." I said, knowing that the voice I had heard was his.

"Okay. Like I said, you're home, with me." I turned to look at him and noticed I was in some kind of abandoned factory. I was tied up to a table with an IV connected to my arm.

"What the...?"

"This is your new home. We will live here together and grow a family. We'll live happily ever after, just like we were destined." David said.

"You sure are obsessed with me. You're sick you know!" I shouted as I tried to get away from the table I was laying on.

"Oh no. I'm doing the right thing. Okay, I know we've started with the left foot but let's start all over. Like if nothing happened. Now, I'm going to let you free and you'll just stay standing next to me, alright?" He said and stood next to me. He removed the rope that holded me down from my hands and my feet. I sat up and gently and moved to the side of the table to stand up.

I took a minute to stabilize myself as he moved the bed and the IV serum away from me. I didn't think twice and decided to run towards where there was a window, next to a bed. I didn't even stop to think about the household furniture that was spreaded around the place.

I stopped as I noticed that there were bars behind the window. Without hesitation, I ran to the door where it said 'EXIT'. I pushed it so it could open but it never moved. I grunted and ran to the door where David had came in from. But to my surprise, there wasn't no door, instead, it was a brick wall. "What in the world?"

"It'll be useless to leave here darling. I'll be at work while you stay home and cook and clean just like any housewife does." He said and I turned around to look at him getting closer to me. "Come here. Give your husband a little kiss."

I moved from the wall to avoid getting kissed by him, but he was quick. He took my arm and twisted it backwards. "Ouch! David you're hurting me!" I shouted.

"Give me a kiss and I'll let go of your arm. Come on." He pulled my hair so my head could go to the back and he kissed me.

I yanked myself from his grip and wiped my lips with my hand. "Are you insane? David, you're mentally unstable. Have you seen what you've done?" There was a pause so I kept speaking. "You just committed two crimes. You killed an innocent man and you've kidnapped me."

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