Truth or Lie

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Samanta's POV:

"She didn't do it. Why are you so sure Venus is the one to blame for my brother being paralytic?" I said, still not believing what He was telling me. He could be lying to me, lole he always did with me, and this time, he wasn't going to get the information he wants about Venus.

"I have my reasons. Are you really calling me a liar?" He said.

"Well you could be lying to me right now." I responded, sounding so mean but he deserved it.

"Ugh! Here." He threw me a big yellow envelope on the table. "You wouldn't be calling me a liar after seeing that. I must go now. I'll visit later." He got up and without another word, he left. Just like that.

I thought to myself if I was going to fall for this. What if, whatever that was inside was something made up? But... I could finally clear up what really happened to my brother. I took the envelope and shoved it in my purse. "Come on Stella. Let's go meet daddy to go get dinner." I said. As I drove, I couldn't avoid but to only think about the closes envelope.

*After dinner*

Ignazio's POV:

"My love, can I ask you a question?" Samanta was taking her earings off; getting ready to go to bed. "Sammy!"

"Huh? What? Yeah." She turned looking confused.

"My love, you've been acting strange since last night. What's wrong? You know you can tell me anything." I got up and took her hands in mine. She usually looked at my eyes and told me, but this time she turned away. She just stood there, looking at something. I followed her gaze and found she was looking at.

"In the bag. There's an envelope.  I don't want to open it. But... I want to know the truth." She finally turned and looked at me straight to the eyes. "He's back Nazio. He's back."

"Who's back? My love you don't looke well. Come, sit in the bed and you can explain to me what's going on." I carried her to bed, bridal style,  and laid her down to rest. I was really confused, but I could clear all this up with her tomorrow morning. What really threw me off was the big yellow envelope in her bag.

I took it out from her back and went downstairs to the office room. I placed it on the desk and stared at it for a few minutes. 'That's so strange.' I grabbed it and opened it carefully without another thought.

In there, there were pictures, another small envelope and a folded folder. I took the pictures out and found Alfonso, my brother-in-law,  in them. He was running happily in one while in other, Venus, Samanta and Alfonso were hugging. Another picture showed Venus and Alfonso talking on the top of some stairs. Then... the last two were shocking. I saw Venus pushing Alfonso down the stairs and another were he was laying in the floor and.. it seemed as if Venus was smiling.

'How could this be? Who took these pictures?'  I didn't dare open the other stuff. I put the pictures in order again and placed everything inside and closed it. 'This just can be right!'


Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update fast. Have been having lots of hw from college :/ but! I hv also been adding chapters in my tablet (since it is where I keep my chapters) and my other stories too. VOTE, COMMENT,  AND SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget

P.s: What?! Did Venus really did such a thing?! :O

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