The Stranger Or..

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Samanta's POV:

"Stella Boschetto." I told the teacher. She turned around and calles my little girl's name. I saw her get up from a mat and skipped happily to where I was. "How are you sweetie?" I asked.  I looked up and said bye to her teacher.

"Good! I made a new friend! Her name is Cristina." Stella said.

"Oh that's good! Guess what? Mom is going to take you to the museum! What do you think?" Her little angel face glowed of excitement, showing me her answer.


"Mamma? Can I get a chocolate gelato?" I heard Stella ask me. I was too sistracted looking for this person in a brown suit.

"Yes baby. In a second, but let's get you some juice first ok?" I said looking down at her for a bit. I ordered a smoothie and a small gelato for her.

"It'll be 4 €" The cashier said. I took out my coin bag and paid her. I quickly looked down and took Stella's hand to go have a seat.

"Look! It's Samanta from The Velvets!" Two teenage girls shouted and came to where I was.

"Oh my God! Can I have your autograph?" One of them said.

"And can I take a picture?" the other one asked.

"Sure, no problem!" I said. I placed Stella up in a seat and left the gelato and smoothie on the table.  I signed a magazine and took the picture with the girls.

"Oh my! Your daughter is so adorable!" The first girl said.

"Yes, I know and thanks."

"No! Thank you for being such awesome singer!" The other girl said. I chuckled and said thanks to both again until they left. As soon as I was going to sit down, a man said "Excuse me ma'am, but hou dropped this by the counter."

I looked down and saw my phone in his hand. "Oh my, well yes that's mine..." I looked up and froze. "You!"

Unknown POV:

Yes! She recognized me.

"Hi Samanta." I said. She snapped the phone off my hand and sat down. I was about to take the chaor that was in front of her but a little girl with curly, dark brown hair stared right at me. "Oh! And who's this adorable little person?!"

I reached to toucher her very curly hair but Samata yelled "Don't you dare touch her! Stella, come over to this other seat."

"Calm down! I'm not going to do anything. I just wanted to touch hrr curls, that's all." I raised my hands in the air and then sat in the little girl's seat.

"What do you want? And how did you get my address?" She asked.

"I heard you were famous around the world, specially here in Italy. Some crazy fan got me the info. Anyways... I came here to see how you are Sammy." I said.

"Well I'm fine. But..."

"But what?" I raised my eyebrow.

"When did tou get out from jail?" I chuckled and politely answered "A few months ago, but you don't need to know that in detail. How is Aj and Venus?"

"What do you really want? Go to the point." She sounded scared, but I knew I could tell her my plan.

"Nothing," I smirked "actually..."

"No!" She shouted and got up from her seat.

"I haven't said anything?!  So, please sit down and listen. Do it for this cutie right here." I said, pointing to her daughter.

"You will not threatened me with hurting my family. If you want to see Venus, I'm not going to tell you where she is because you probably know that already." Now I got her attention. I leaned back in my chair now.

"No. I don't have that information and yes, I would like to speak with Venus. But you know, I would like to pay a visit to Aj too."

"Go to the point. You know I hate it when people talk around the subject." Samanta said

"Ok, ok. Hey, do you remember when Venus took your crush away from you? Oh! And that other time in middle school when she hit you right in the ribs for not giving back her journal? Oh no! Wait, what about the time your brother fell down the stairs and ended up paralytic?" I saw her frown at the last question.

"How do you know my brother fell down the stairs?"

"Venus told me about it, but do you know how he  'fell' down the stairs?"

"What's the quotes for? It was an accident."

"No. Wow, you don't know the truth, still?!" I chuckled. "Well let me ask you something... Venus was there when it happened right?"

"Venus didn't do it!" She was mad now, but in her eyes I knew that she was in doubt. I nodded and her frown turned into a gasp.


Hey Ilvolovers! im going to be apologizing a lot for not updating soon, nd im sorry (←see?) I hope you guys like it!! :D it was a long one. VOTE, COMMENT AND SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget

P.S: that little unknown person is a criminal!?! ;) *wink, wink* ;) men! he sure knows how to get wat he wants >:/

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