The Change

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Ignazio's POV:

I woke up first than the kids. What I had in seen the previous night, didn't let me sleep.

'Should I tell my love about it? No. I'll let her find out by herself,  but I must be there whenever she sees everything.'

I made breakfast for the three of us and later went to check on Stella. She was sound asleep like the angel she was.

"Igni?" I heard Samanta say. I went to our bedroom and found Samanta sweating like crazy.

"What's wrong?"

"Nazio, I need to see that envelope. Bring it now." She said in what I thought were sobs.

"But my love,  you..."

"Bring it!" She scram. I obeyed and went down the stairs to grab it. I stood there with it in my hands and just stared at it.

'She's going to be so disappointed about this.' I thought as I went up the stairs.

I gave it to her and she stared at it too, for a minute. I decided to break the silence by saying "My love, what ever is in that envelope... promise me that we will not lose our heads, ok?"

"Ok. Here goes nothing." She opened it and took everything out. She saw the pictures,  read the letter and saw what was inside the folded folder. No expression in her face formed when she finished looking at all the papers.

"Sammy?" I got worried on how she didn't even say a word. She turned and finally faced me.

"Nazio. Take me to Venus's house."

I frowned and said "No. What are you going to do?" She stayed quiet and then, out of no where she said "You're right. I don't have to say anything to her. Karma would do its job." I was so confused, but I hoped she wasn't going to do something crazy.

Aj's POV:

Gianluca was sound asleep when I opened my eyes. I smiled and brushed his hair away from his face so I could see it better.  I smiled wider and then he said "You'll have me forever."

I chuckled and said "I know, but I just can't believe that we will soon have a family of our own."

He opened his eyes and moved to lay on my lap. "We should think of a name for the baby... Hi there!" I laughed and brushed his hair again.

"Let's make a list. Girl names in one side and boy names on the other." He looked up at me and smiled.

"If its a girl, we should name her Giselle and if its a boy, let's call him Ernesto.  What do you think darling?" His light brown eyes had a nice little spark in them.

I smiled and said "I love those names but just in case, we should have more names don't you think? Oh, I know! We should put a white board o  the fringe and write down every name we hear and like."

"Hey, that's a good idea. Ok, then I'm off to buy it. You stay here and make space for it. Then, we can go out and just walk around town, buy baby clothes or just go get some gelato." He got up and kissed my forehead. "Ah, and let me do the breakfast today." He winked and blew me a kiss as he left the bedroom. I sighed.

It was one of those sighs that make you feel alive and happy for life. I quickly got up and got ready for the day.

*5 months later* (still Aj's POV)

Time had gone by fast. My stomach was growing bigger and Gianluca took care of me like if I was the delicate baby. Venus also got bigger and she was more quiet than ever. Samanta, in the other hand, grew apart from us. Yes we saw each other at the meetings, album recording sessions and the photo shoots for the new album cover. But whenever we were alone, Sammy didn't really talk with me but to Venus, she didn't even want to see her. Venus really didn't mind, we always thought she was in a grumpy mood until just yesturday.

We were recording the last songs of the album, when Samanta had ro answer a call. I stayed in the music booth with Venus for a while, but soon I had to use the restroom. I went and heard Sammy's voice. Different, strange, nervous from before we stopped talking.


Hey guys! So ive been having problems with my laptop :/ but I managed to update from my phone. Hope you guys enjoyed this semi-long chapter :) (oh nd sorry for the typos) VOTE, COMMENT, AND SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget

P.s: So why is Samanta acting like that with both of her best friends? Why is she acting so mysterious? >:P anywhoos! I need your help. I want you guys to comment some names for Aj's baby. Both girl amd boy names PLEASE! :D I'll reveal the winning name in one of the chapters! 

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