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Samanta's POV:

I gently took her by the shoulders and sat her up to change her shirt. She was asleep at the moment, well sedated I should say. She was way different, both physically and mentaly than when we first meet. I took off her hospital gown and gently dressed her.

I brushed her hair and applied a bit of makeup to give a bit of color to her. I put her some sweatpants and some comfortable shoes. I was almost done when I realized that her pillow was flat. I took her head gently and placed it in my shoulder as I fluffed out her pillow.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I heard her roughly say. I laid her back gently and ignored her by finishing tying her shoes. "I asked you something." She said almost in a whisper.

"Shut up and let me finish fixing you." I said roughly at her.

"What did I ever do to you?" She said weakly.

"And you still ask?" I snorted and continued, "You know very well what you did."

"No. I don't. Sammy, why are you helping David?" She asked me, "Why?"

"Why? Why, why, why! You are so annoying! Can't you ask something else?! Ugh you know what, I'm going to ignore you." I said and agressively tied her last shoe.

I noticed her flinch in pain and something in me sparked. 'What's wrong with me? I'm becoming a monster like this idiot. I don't want to hurt her anymore.' I thought and immediately loosened up the laces a bit.

"You care for me." She whispered.

"Because I have to." I said coldly.

"That... and because you know that this isn't right. Yet you still do it." She said and slowly opened her eyes to look at me.

I didn't know what to say. I felt bad yes, but but I couldn't tell her much then I was going to be right next to her. Or worse, dead. I looked at her stomach and I felt a knot form in my throat. 'Stella... my baby.' I thought.

"And how's my lovely wife and child?" David's booming voice made me jump out of my thoughts.

"Screw you." She whispered and turned her head the other way.

"What did you say? Sorry, you mumble too much." David said.

"You heard me." Venus said and kept her head the other side.

"Hey!" He shouted and angrily grabbed her chin, turning her to face him. "Speak louder." He said through greeted teeth.

"Go! Buy! Yourself! Some! Hearing aids!" Venus tried to shout. I widen my eyes as I knew what he would do next.

He slammed her face with his hand and she only whimpered. I flinched as I hated seeing him do this in front of me. "David..." I said and he shouted, "Leave me alone with her!" I frowned at his shout and took a few steps back.

He looked back at Venus and then I noticed his sight go down to her belly. "How is my champion doing?" He asked and bent down to her stomach.

Yes. Venus was pregnant... 6 months of pregnancy to be exact. This bastard got her pregnant. I remember the day that I saw him again, exactly 6 months ago...

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. I couldn't believe I had found David in a local store... here... in LA.

"What are YOU doing here? Didn't I tell you to stay in Italy?" He asked me.

"Yes, but I have the right to travel." I looked at him strangely. He seemed... happy? Well yeah of course, I had given him what he wanted a long time ago.

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