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Piero's POV:

I wiped away my tears and stood up. I looked ahead and then noticed Gianluca and Aj running towards me. "Piero! Are you alright?" He asked.

"How is she Piero?" Aj asked too.

I sniffed a bit and answered to both, "Hey guys. I'm fine Gian and um... Venus is right in there, she's stable now."

"Stable? Why stable?" Aj asked.

"Yeah. I only heard Ignazio say she was really bad when they rescued her. And... she still looks a bit bad." I tried to say without crying again.

"Oh. Cheer up Piero. Now we know she's safe here with us." Gianluca tried to cheer me up.

"Thanks Gian." I said to him.

"Piero, could I go in to see her?" Aja asked. I was waiting for her to ask this since they both got here.

"Um, yeah. But she really need to rest." I said.

"Oh okay. I'll go in later then. She must be really bad if your saying that." Aj said.

"Aj!" Gian said. I chuckled and smirked lightly at his gesture.

"What?" She rolled her eyes and turned to see me. "I'll go get some coffee. You want some?"

"Yeah. Thanks Aj." I said and she left, leaving me alone with Gianluca.

"Hry. Have you heard of Ignazio?" He asked.

"Um... no. Not since yesterday. He's probably at the police station trying to see what he can do about Samanta's case." I said to him.

"Ah! Man I can't believe he still loves her. I thought that his relationship with her definitely ended." Gian said.

"No. I thought you already knew. But it did get me by surprise that she was the one who wanted to be back with Ignazio. I mean, wasn't she the one who ordered him to get a divorce in the first place?" I asked. Gianluca nodded as he tried to think about.

"To all this... are you going to let the kids see her?" He asked.

"I don't think so. She's just too..." I sighed, "It'll be too much to take in for them. I'll let them come later." I said.

"Why the pause?" Gianluca asked.

"Just go take a peak in Venus's room and you'll understand me." I said. He looked at me strangely and then he went to see for himself. Meanwhile, I walked to the waiting room to have a seat and wait on the doctor to come and tell me what exactly had happened to her.

"Is that the doctor?" Aj asked and pointed to a tall man by the desk.

"Yes." I said and immediately got up to go speak with him. "Are you Venus's doctor?" I asked right away.

The guy looked up at me and nodded. "Yes I am. And you guys are?"

"I'm Piero Barone, her husband. And Gianluca and Aj, our friends. Could you tell me what is wrong with Venus?" I couldn't hold up my question.

"Here you go doctor." The nurse across the desk gave him a clipboard and he said thanks as he took it.

"We have the results here. Come, let's go into her room." The doctor said and I nodded. We all followed him inside and Gianluca closed the door behind him. The doctor got near Venus's bed and removed the clear curtain. He checked some things fom the beeping monitors and looked at the blood and IV bags that were connected to her.

"So? Why is she like this?" I asked the doctor. He looked at me and opened the clipboard. He took a pen out from his coat and wrote something down before flipping the page and read what was in it. His expression wasn't that easy to read so I didn't quite understand if she was okay or if she wasn't.

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