My Life Isn't The Same

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(Before you guys start reading I want to tell you there's a bit of smut*bad words* ahead so please do be aware. Thank you)

*2 weeks later*
Piero's POV:

"They have an address! They'll start the search first thing tomorrow." Ignazio said to me via Skype.

"What?!" I shouted astonished at what he had told me. "A-are you sure? B-but how did they get this information?" I stuttered.

"Piero... Samanta confessed to me. She even told me in front of the detective." Ignazio said a bit sad.

"When did this happen?" I asked confusedly.

"Just a couple of hours ago. He called me to tell him about Sammy, if she had said anything. Then out of no where, she appeared in the office and cried as she confessed everything. Piero, we found Venus." He said.

At first, I didn't believed him at all, but now that he just confirmed it the second time he said it, I believed him. I was speechless, in shock, unable to talk...just paralyzed in the spot. "Sammy confessed? So she knew all along where we could find her and she didn't tell us?" I said upset.

"Yeah. I told you I was right but neither you or Gianluca wanted to believe me. Anyways, Sammy is going with the detective tomorrow on the rescue mission. Apparently, since she is accomplice with David, she is going to be charged of kidnapping only. So she'll be staying in jail for tonight, but who knows, maybe her punishment wouldn't be that harsh since she confessed." Ignazio said calmly.

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that Nazio. Are you alright?" I asked him.

"Yeah. I'm actually proud of her for helping us get to Venus." He said this in a still disappointed voice but I didn't want to tell him anything. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Hey! I have to go. I'll call you once I know about the rescue okay? Oh and... don't tell your kids just yet."

"Yeah I know. Thanks for everything Igna. Bye." I said and closed my laptop. I sighed and looked at the family picture I had in my desk. I picked it up and saw how we were all happy and smiling. My vision became blurry as tears were now falling down my cheeks.

"My amore. My world. I just can't live another second without you. I need you. My life isn't the same without you here by my side. Our children need you. I need you." I said to her picture. My fingers ran down the picture just as my tears fell in the glass.

"Daddy?" I heard Isabela's voice down the hall. I quickly cleaned the picture and wiped my tears away. I placed the picture down and sniffed a bit as I straightened out.

"Over here bambina." I said. She came in my studio and came straight towards me, hugging me tightly. "Woah. What's with the hug?" I asked her.

"I just want a hug from you before I go to sleep." She said as she yawned a bit.

"Just a hug or do you need me to tuck you in by singing to you?" I asked her as I wrapped my arms around her shoulders.

She looked up at me and smiled. "Maybe." I giggled and nodded. "Then let's go upstairs." She nodded and we went to her room. Camila and Angel were already asleep as they had to wake up early to finish some projects they had due.

"Okay. Are you comfy?" I asked her as she now laid in her bed under the sheets.

"Mhm!" She said as if she was a little girl. I guess we both had gotten used to do this as a routine.

"Alright. What song should I sing for you tonight?" I asked her as I stroked a strand of her hair back.

"Oh! Could you sing Where do I begin?" She said and I nodded. I cleared out my throat a bit and began singing.

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