An Envelope

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Piero's POV:

"Ignazio! What are you doing with that fruit?" I heard Gianluca ask as he came in the lobby.

"Don't you see I'm juggling bananas and apples?" Ignazio responded. We made a small bet of how was going to sing first in our new song. If I sang first, he was going to juggle bananas, and if he started first, I was going to juggle apples. Gianluca got the first part so we both had tho do the bet, using both fruits.

"Hey boys... Nazio please leave that fruit down. You can do your bet later. Anyways, hurry up, the meeting is about to start." Barbara peeked in the room.

"Ok, we'll be there in a sec..." Barbara closed the door and Gianluca kept saying "...and why am I the last one to know about your monkey business?"

"Well probably because your too concentrated in thinking about your future baby." I said. Ignazio and I knew about this a month ago, but they didn't know I was going to be a father once more, so I acted normal.

"Yeah Gian. Oh, and don't worry about that. Babies are so beautiful, well not when they are recently born because all they do is eat, cry and do their stinky business... But it's worth it!" Ignazio said. I wanted to laugh at what he said, but I only chuckled because it was so true, what he had said.

We now, headed towards the meeting room and my phone rang. Good thing was that no one was there yet. "Ciao amore! How are you? Uh huh... Yeah. Oh that's good news! Ok. Yeah I'll see you in two days top ok? Take care, arrivederci!"

"What's the good news?" Gianluca asked once I hung up.

I let out a big sigh and said "Fine, I'll tell you guys... Venus and I are going to be parents again." Gianluca and Ignazio looked at each other and shouted at the same time "Please let it NOT be twins again!"

"No! Well, we don't know yet because she is barely one month." I explained.

"So, let me get this straight. Aj and Venus are pregnant, one month difference. And both came back to Italy from their honeymoon with their big present huh?! I'm kidding guys! Congrats to both of you!" Ignazio said. Gian and I laughed and that was when the people came in.

*Next Day*

Samanta's POV:

I had came back from dropping Stella off to school. I got in the house and one of my servants said "Miss, there's mail for you waiting. It's the usual, bills and there's a purple envelope with your name on it."

"Who sent it?" I frowned and looked at her.

"It doesn't say anything miss."

"Hmm. That's strange. Well, I'll take a look at it in a bit, I'll be in the office room. Bring the letter to me." I smiled and left to start with the new ideas of our third album. Carey, my servant, came in and handed me the mail. I looked through it and finally got to the purple one. I opened it and it read:

'Dear Samanta: (or should I say, Mrs. Boschetto)

I would like to meet up with you to talk for a bit. It's been a long time we haven't seen each other and I would like to catch up. Meet me across 'La Forte' museum at 3 pm. Tomorrow. I'll be wearing a brown suit. Hope to see you there. Sincerely, D.'

'Who in the world is D? It must be some kind of fan.' I thought and frowned the whole time. Then, I heard the door open. I got up and went to see who it was.

"Nazio! You're home!" I shouted and ran to kiss him.

"Where is Stella? I want to see her." He said.

"She's at school. But she will be so happy in seeing you once we go to pick her up!" I said and helped him unpack and make him feel back home. I still had in my mind that strange letter. I don't remember telling anyone that I now live in Bologna. I guess that the only thing I could find out who it was is to go and meet this 'D' person.


Hey guys! So I'm starting college next Monday and kind of excited but mostly anxious. Lol so I'll try and keep updating as frequent as I can.. Who knows what awaits for me on my first year of college! VOTE, COMMENT AND SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget

P.s: this time I gave you a little hint on who is this stalker/ mysterious guy! Who guesses? Comment your answer! Thanks! :) oh nd I leave you guys with a little video of our Il Volo boys!

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