An Unexpected Visit

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Piero's POV:

I swallowed hard as I saw her laying there. "Venus? Baby?" My voice cracked at the end. I stepped further in the room and stood beside her. My chest felt heavy as I was holding back my tears.

She slowly opened her eyes and I quickly went to her side. "Amore? My love how are you feeling?" I asked very worried. She wanted to speak but couldn't as the breathing mask was in the way. "Sh, sh. Don't tell me darling. It's okay." I said and with that I could see tears forming and rolling down her cheeks.

A ball of sorrow suddenly formed in my throat but I swallowed hard to keep it from showing. "How are you feeling?" I gently asked again, really wanting to know how she felt. I tried my best to show her my thumbs up to see if I could make her smile at least. And I did. She smiled weakly and she did, which made me gulp hard.

"P-Piero..." She whispered. That broke me down. Her sweet voice was cut off from her and I couldn't stand and look at her like this.

"Hush my love. We'll talk later about everything. Please, rest for the meantime. You are safe now okay." I said and wiped my tears away. I leaned into the curtain and blew her a kiss. With that said, I gently left the room and curled myself in the hallway floor to let out my cry.

*2 years before*
Angela's POV:

I speed walked down the street and around the corner. I didn't even bother looking back, it would be harsh on both my baby girl and myself. The street was calm so I got to walk across the street and stop a cab. "To the nearest mall please." I said and let my hair down to cover my face. I WAS still a star so I had to cover up a bit to not be recognized.

We quickly arrived since apparently I wasn't that far away from it. I got off, payed the driver and immediately went in. I would never imagine me saying this but for once in my life, I wanted to be in a mall. I knew what will happen if I take off my glasses and walk around like if I'm a normal person. Yet I'll love to, just to not be recognizable to David.

The first store I went in was a beauty shop. I gave myself a really nice and total new look. After that, I got myself some clothes. You must be wondering where I got all the money I was wasting, well, David had to go to the bank when he brought me. He had to deposit some money, and left me in charge of some credit cards in the truck since he had to go to two other banks.

And, well, if I was going to escape, I at least needed money. He deserved it anyways. I shopped until i couldn't bare my feet so I bought myself some good food and went to pay a hotel to spend the night.

Nightfall came and I was bored to death. I looked through my new phone and searched up stuff to do in LA and the first thing that came up was Il Volo's concert. My heart dropped to the ground as I realized that it wasn't going to start until 8pm. I checked my clock and it read 7:15pm. 'I can make it.'

I jumped out of the bed and in the shower. I dried my hair and straightened it down, making little spikes with the tips. Next, was make up. Usually I never used up too much but today I even put cheek powder and glitter! Let's just say that being locked up and kidnapped by your crazy ex-boyfriend with no authority to go outside and breathe fresh air, was a big impact in my entire personality.

Now, it was time for the clothes. I searched through all the shopping bags for something nice and struggled finding anything for a good ten minutes. Then, I had it. I took out a black silk dress with small white diamonds (not real of course. It's those plastic looking diamonds) around the chest area. It was the perfect length and appropriate for the occacion. Shoes... that wasn't a problem. Jewelry... I didn't buy any but what I had on was enough.

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