Is that you?

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*2 days later*
Venus's POV:

"Come on darling. I want you to come with me to the downtown to pick up some papers." David said. These couple of days, he's been taking me out to get fresh air or just enjoy a couple of minutes of that cave place. I've also been looking very carefully at his movements, planning the schedule in my mind.

"I'm coming." I said as I took off my shirt to put on a dress. I was very skinny, almost as of I was anorexic. My skin tone was way to light and my hair was so long that it reached my hips. I was a total different person when I looked at the mirror.

I put on some black flats and a blue casual sweeter on top of the spaghetti strap white dress. I picked my hair up in a ponytail and put on a bit of eyeliner. Finished. I exit the bathroom and found him watching tv. "I'm ready." I said and he turned. He looked at me from head to toe and then smiled.

"Damn baby! You look sexy in that dress." He said. I wanted to roll my eyes but if he saw me do that, he'll slap me. I fake smiled at him as I did for the past year or so now, and walked towards him. He wrapped his filthy hands around my waist and pulled e down to him lap. "We should hurry up so I can kiss your entire body."

Yuck! I thought. To pretend I wasn't disgusted by his comment I smiled and kissed his cheek. I quickly stood up and said "Come on then. Let's get going."

"Wait here darling. It won't take long." He said as he had parked the truck across this big glass building with a bunch of flags.

"Okay. I'll be here." I said as I stayed in my seat. He unbuckled and locked the truck, leaving me inside with his window rolled down to let air in. It was spring and even tho we were in LA (as I had figured out he had me kidnapped here), the wind blew nicely.

I saw how he disappeared as he entered the building. As soon as he was out of sight, I opened the door of my side and quickly got off. I looked around, so disoriented and put on my glasses. I turned both ways and went right, where there were even more buildings to get lost in between.

Isabela's POV:

We had arrived in Los Angeles last night. It was my first time to actually fly in a plane and travel across the world. It was exciting and a bit nerve-racking but I survived. At the moment, Angel and Camila were finishing getting dressed as I looked at myself in the mirror one last time. Stella and James had came with us too and they were already downstairs.

I had my black skinny jeans on and a loose 'The Beatles' oversized shirt with my black vans. I had a cut out glove with some metal spikes on my left hand and took my headphones and cell phone and placed them in my pocket.

"I'm getting breakfast!" I shouted and left the room we were in. I went across the hall to the other main suite and knocked. The door opened and Mr. Torpedine appeared.

"Ciao bella. Your dad is in the shower." He said.

"Oh. Okay. Just tell him I'll be by the pool eating breakfast." I said and he nodded. I turned around and headed down the elevator to the garden of the hotel.

"Good morning. Would just like me or get you your drink?" A handsome man stopped me as I passed the breakfast table.

"Um... yeah get me a banana smoothie." I said and he bowed a bit.

"Alright. Help yourself to anything." He said and left. I walked towards were Stella and James were sitting and sat across from them.


"Hey!" Both said at the same time.

"Dude, do you want to go the beach? I heard that it's gorgeous here in LA." Stella said.

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