The Beginning

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*10 years earlier*

Unknown POV:

I saw her come out of the church. She looked so beautiful and happy beside him. I saw Aj give her a little girl and a little boy. She hugged and kissed them when i saw his hand touch her shoulder. Something inside me started burning. A limousine pulled up and I stepped back, covering my identity with my black sunglasses and pulling the hoodie over my head. The married couple was now on their way to their party. To celebrate their happiness. I remembered how my bros, back in Wisconsin, taught me some techniques to get what one wants. My plan was now to make her mine , to tell here that we were meant to be. But now, I had to know more about her new life as a singer and learn more about her new family.

*2 months later* (after the wedding)

Venus's POV:

" I don't know if I can do this Piero." I said as I place chip bags in Camila's and Angel's lunch bags.

"Why are you saying that amore?" Piero asked. I knew he felt excited and sad at the same time, just like me.

"I have been going on tours and around the world with them. But now I have to go to work without them." I zipped the bags and placed them next to my purse.

"It'll be alright amore, you know I will be there too. You should be happy for our children! It's part of them growing up." Piero hugged me, soon hearing screams from up the stairs.

"Mamma! Pappa! Angel won't let me brush my teeth!" Camila shouted.

"Na uh! She came when I was already there!" Angel said.

"Ok! Camila, go brush your teeth in our room. Angel go wash up in the bathroom. Hurry up guys!" Piero told them. I was glad that Piero help me out with them , specially today.


"Mamma! I don't want to go in there." Angel cried.

"Oh honey! You have to go in there. Look! There's a little girl saying hi to you, look!" My heart raced faster when I saw his little tears rundown his cheeks. Meanwhile, Camila had said bye to Piero and I, and had gone in the classroom.

"Mom is right Angel. I know it's scary to go in there, mostly because it's your first day in school, but we are going to come back for you in five hours. We will be right outside to come fast for you ok? But you want to know something? When I was your age, I was also scared when I first went to school. It was fun going in there every day. You will see that today. But don't worry, mom and dad will be outside waiting for you ok?" Piero said.

"I was scared too honey. Everybody is scared to go in, but I promise you that it will be super fun in here." I managed to say since I felt a knot in my throat. I got up from my knees and gave him a big hug. "Now go in there. You don't want to be later on your first day in kinder." Angel smirked and whipped his eyes. He waved at us goodbye and left.

*Doctor's office*

Today was the first ultrasound of the new member of the Barone family. My doctor had told me the same stuff as when I first had the twins. Piero was on my side, and like always, he asked the doctor random questions. She only laughed, but sometimes she answered him just to shut him up. Everything went well until we came out from the clinic.

"Amore, I have to go to Rome right now. I just got a text saying that we have an important meeting with important people. Are you sure you're going to be alright by yourself with the kids?" Piero asked.

"Yes my love, don't worry, I'll be alright. Anyways I was going to Aj's house because she wants to go see Samanta to Bologna. She said we were going to take a safe private yet over since I have to be back to pick up the kids. You can go to work calmly."

"Ok amore, I will call you once I get to Rome ok?" He gave me a kiss and said goodbye, taking a cab home since I was going to drive. Once I parked across the street, by Aj's house, I I noticed that the black shadow from our first night at our home had followed me. I quickly took my purse and keys and ran inside Aj's door.


Hey guys! Sorry I abandoned you for a while but I've been so stressed out with stupid college stuff, mostly govn't money related :/ ugh. You guys don't want to hear that, sorry. I have just been so frustrated and worried.. Anywhos, I haven't stopped writing the next chapters for this story! Not totally abandoned lol ;) So please, Vote, Comment, and SPREA THE WORD!! -Bridget

P.s: who do you guys think it's this unknown, dark shadow person?

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