Kidnapped and Rescued

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[Raph's POV]
I sit in my room waiting for Harley to come over. She said she would be here by 10:00 but I'm starting to think that she's ditching me.

~One Hour Later~

Now either she ditched me or something has gone wrong. "I'm gonna go get some fresh air." I tell Leo as I walk out of the lair. (It auto corrected me to pair. Oh yes, because now the turtles live in a pair. Nice going, autocorrect.)

I head out and search for fifteen minutes. She is nowhere to be seen. Maybe at her house. "Hey Case." I say, knocking on the window. He opens it. "Hey have you seen Harley?" We say in unison.

"Nah, I've been waiting for her to bring a pizza home for an hour. Then she said she was gonna meet up with you at the lair." He explains. "Well, she never arrived." I tell him. "We gotta find her." Casey tells me.

"No duh!" I say. We hop out of the window and start searching. Then I hear a scream. That might be her! I start following the screams but then they suddenly stop. I don't know where they went, or where they took her.

I sigh. It might have not even been her. She would've been gone longer then that. Casey and I start frantically looking when we remember. "It could've been Shredder." I shrug. "Or the Kraang." Casey suggests.

I nod. "Let's check out TCRI first." I say.

~When We Get There~

Nope. She wasn't here. We looked all over for her. That means... oh shell. We hop buildings all the way over to Shredders lair. We look through the window and see Harley, chained up with a tub of mutagen, hanging over her head.

She has tape over her mouth so you can't here her scream. We hop in. We look around then walk over to her. I rip the tape off her mouth but she doesn't yelp. In fact, she's out cold.

She is bleeding everywhere and her clothes are tattered quite a bit. I know how to wake her up. I grab her face and kiss her long and hard. She wakes up. "R-Raph?" She asks. I shush her. "Stay here." I say.

I look for a button that releases her. I can't find it. Then foot bots surround us. "Aww, come on!" I complain. Casey and I start to take them out. Harley still struggles to get free. Then a foot bot kicks me and I hit something hard.

It must have been some sort of button. She brakes free. "Yes!" She yells. (I was so tempted to mutanize her.) Then she looks around for something to hit the foot bots with.

[Harley's POV]
I look around for something to beat up those ninjas with. I find nothing so I decide to use my training of ninjutsu from when I was younger. I kick and few down and then punch a few more. I jump and flip one over me.

"Suck a lemon!" I yell. Raph looks at me in awe. "How did you do that?" He asks, jaw dropping. "I took ninjutsu a few years ago." I shrug. His eyes widen. That must be the martial art that he uses as well.

After we are all done this big dude in armor walks up to us. "So this is Harley? And it seems she has lured in a friend as well." He laughs. Then I get my sassiness on.

"Hey! Nice to meet you! Now if you would just let me and my friend go.. That would be marvelous!" I say, sarcastically. He gives me a death glare then scrapes my arm with his blades.

"Aww, shell. Crap is about to go down." Raph says. I look over to him then back at the giant dude. "Listen mister! I bet your mom would NOT be proud of how you are behaving right now! In fact, I think I'll send you there to go find her right now!" I scream at him.

Now he's mad. He flings me aside. I need a weapon. Just then I see the three other turtles come in. I cough up a little blood. I don't care. Then I look over to Leo.

"Give me one of your katanas." I demand. He hands it over. I jump at the man in armor. They all shrug and join in the battle. "Raph, what were you thinking?!" Leo asks, angrily. Then they all look at me.

"What? You're not gonna help me?" I say. I cut his arm and he growls. Then the other boys jump in. We were doing pretty well until Casey got flung under the can of goo. Then Mikey got flung into the button that makes it drop.

"No!!!" They all yell. I don't know what it does but by the sound of it, it's not good. Casey screams. A tear escapes my eye then I fight harder. This must be a lot of pain for him. A few guys run over there, but me and Raph keep fighting.

"I'll hold him off." He says. I tell Leo to go help Raph and he nods and does what he is told. I look at Casey. Except, he's not Casey now. He's a giant mutant monster! I gasp. "Oh my God." I say.

He is a giant mutant.. lion? I start to cry. Then he growls at us and we run away. "Forget Shredder, let's leave." Leo says. They all nod except for me. Raph picks me up, bridal style and I cry, my head, laying on his shoulder.

We jump rooftop to rooftop, until we get to the lair. Raph lays me on the couch, and from there, I continue to sob. He pats my back. "I know. It's okay." He says. I look up at him and wipe away my tears.

I hug him tight. He knows how to make me feel better. And I know this is probably the stupidest thing I have ever said but, "I miss my brother."

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