This. Sucks.

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((I'm just gonna call her Scarlett from now on unless her family is talking to her or about her. And also, that picture in the media is Kaneki.))

[Scarlett's POV]
I yawn as I get up from the couch. Man, I'm starved. Maybe I'll just go make some pancakes for Kaneki and I. "Ugh.." I groan, walking over to his fridge. I grab some pancake mix and put eggs and all that other pancake crap in it.

((Don't ask why the pancake mix was in the fridge, I'm lazy.))

As I poor some on the tiny grill thingy, it starts sizzling. The aroma of the cooking batter comes into my nose. I expect something delicious and creamy, but it's different.

It smells... bad. Why does it smell bad? Did I do something wrong? No, I definitely made it right. How do I even know how to make these? I don't remember. I guess somebody taught me.

A family member maybe? This is to much thinking for pancakes. I shake my head and continue to make them. I pull them off and they make a perfect golden brown color.

"Maybe they'll taste better then they smell?" I ask myself. "Wait... I can't eat these yet! I have to wake up Kaneki so we can enjoy them together." I smile and nod. Then I walk over to his bedroom door.

I knock, but it opens by it's self. I shrug and walk inside. It's actually pretty neat, for a boys room. But how would I know? I don't even remember any boys' rooms. Ugh, I've about had enough of all this not-remembering crap.

I walk over to Kaneki's bed. He's peacefully sleeping. Cute... "Wakey wakey, Kaneki. I made pancakes~..." I smile and poke his soft little cheek. "Uh..." He wakes up, moaning a tiny bit.

"Hehe, get up, sleepy head!" I tell him, leaning back upwards. "Morning." He says drowsily, yawning afterwards. "Morning! I made pancakes." I smile, kind of with a sad tint in my face.

I don't know why, but a wave of sadness flows over my body. "Pancakes, huh?" He asks me. I shake myself out of my thoughts, and try to brighten myself up. My smile tells him yes.

He slowly gets out of bed then follows me to the kitchen. "Let me butter them first." I say, grabbing a knife and butter. I spread it on them. "Here." I say, pushing the plate toward them and some syrup.

"Oh... Thanks." He sounds all depressed. It's not like were FULL ghouls. Well... Maybe the doctor just got the wrong people. That could be a reason. Right?

But before he eats it, he turns on the TV. "Ghouls can survive on one dead body for about one to two months. Their tongues are also a bit different then ares. You see, when they eat human food, it only tastes awful and slimy." The TV man says.

I look down at the food. I slowly take a bite out of it. But then immediately I spit it out. "Gross!" I yell, sticking my tongue out. "What?!" Kaneki yells, coming over.

"It's disgusting!" I yell. He tries to take a bite out of it, but also fails. "Wait." He mutters, walking over to a sack of food. "My friend Hide brought this to me last night." He tells me.

((These names are pronounced, Hee-day, and Con-eck-ee for you noobs. XD jk but there you go.))

He takes out a burger and takes a bite out of it, then spitting it out. "No..." He mutters. I guess that was his favorite food... He tries to eat other things, but fails. So... if Kaneki can't eat his favorite food... I can't either?!

"No more doughnuts..." I fall down to the floor. "No more pizza..." I groan. "No more ice cream..." Don't ask me how I remember my favorite foods, but not anything else.

I look over to my right, to see Kaneki, also sitting on the floor. But he's crying. I scoot over to him. It's kinda awkward since we only met yesterday. But... he's the only friend I have right now. Or at least that I remember.

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