Practicing, Practicing, Practicing... When's The Action?!

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[Harley's POV]
"Come on! I've been training for weeks!" I plead. "No." Raph responds, slightly annoyed. "Why not?!" I whine. "Because last time we went on a mission, I didn't wake up!" He yells.





"Pretty, pretty please, with a cherry on top?!?!??!!"

"How 'bout no, for the one hundredth time?!"

We argue for a little bit then I finally give up. "Fine! I won't ever go on a mission with you, ever again!" I cross my arms. "Good, that means you won't get hurt." He says. Then I raise an eyebrow.

"You think I'm gonna get hurt?" I ask, a bit offended. "Well, yeah." He says, sincerely. "Well who was it last time, that got hurt? Huh?!" I yell. "All I'm saying is that we should keep practicing until we know we are ready." He explains.

I nod. "Okay, I'll keep training." I shrug. I hold my breath as I walk into my room and lock the door. "Yeah right." I sneer. I look around my room for a pencil and paper.

I grab them and start to map out how I am going to defeat the Shredder, and save my brother. "Yes! It's full proof! When I get back, with my brother, they will all be so impressed!" I giggle.

Then I hear a knock on my door. I flip the paper over quickly and start to draw a hippopotamus. Why? I have no clue. Then I see Raph creek open my door. Once he sees me, he opens it all the way, and walks in.

"Hey, I'm going to bed. You should soon too. We have practice tomorrow at 7:00. Be there around that time, okay?" He asks. I shrug. "Sounds good." I say. "So whatcha doing?" He asks.

I stiffen then show him the poorly drawn hippo. "Trying to improve my art skills, which right now, are zero." I say. He nods. "Looks good to me! Way better than what I can do." He says.

"Mhm.. lemme see." I say, sarcastically. He flips the page over to draw, only to see my plan. He raises one eyebrow and looks at me. "What is this?" He asks. I swallow. "N-nothing." I say, stiffening.

"We're you going to break into Shredder's lair?" He asks. I nod slowly. "Without me?" He asks again. "I-I guess... I'm sorry." I frown. "I wanna go too." He quickly responds. I look up from the floor and stand up.

"Really? Your not mad?" I ask. "Nah. Plus, you plan seems like it might work." He shrugs. I glisten. "Thanks! It's been taking me hours!" I reply, happily. "Then, when will we leave?" He asks.

"Is everyone asleep?" I ask. He nods. "Then now."

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