Forgiving Each Other

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[Harley's POV]
I sit in my room in the dark. It is 1:00 am and I'm still just sitting here, watching tv. It's been a day since I found out Raph and Brooke traded on me. Now I have no one to go to.

No one to express my feelings to. I can't believe my best friend would do something like that to me. And I was thinking about forgiving Raph! Argh! I look over to my window and stare out to the sky.

I crawl across my bed and open the window to let in a breeze. I then get under my covers and fall fast asleep.

~An Hour Later~

I wake up to loud laser sounds. If I didn't know better, I would say it sounded like the Kraang. I quickly swipe the sheets off of myself and rush over to my window.

I see it is the Kraang. I quickly grab my Kama's and jump out my window to beat some. I instantly run over and kill some. (I had to change bash some to kill some because.. Well, you just try saying bash some 5 times really fast.)

After defeating a dozen of them, I head towards another group of Kraang bots. I then realize that they are already battling someone. Or some turtles... I start to walk away when they notice me. "Harley!" Leo yells.

I roll my eyes and continue to walk away.

[Raph's POV]
I see Harley and quickly feel my blood pressure rise. I smile and look at Leo. "Harley!" He yells. She rolls her eyes and continues to walk away from us. I run after her. I grab her arm but she rips it away.

"What do you want?!" She asks, rudely. I tighten my grip. She growls. "I just wanted to say sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you like that. Mentally and physically." I explain.

"Thanks." She says. "And I'm sorry about Brooke. Sh-she.. was just so demanding... Not nearly as good a girlfriend as you." He says. I smile a little bit. "Umm..." I look around in awkwardness.

"I love you, Harley." He says. I freeze. Then I take a deep breath and ease my muscles. "I love you too." I smile. I run into his plastron and hug him tight. "I'll never leave again." I cry. "Me too." He grins.

Raph hardly ever smiles. This makes me happy. I missed him so much. I wipe away some tears and release the hug. "Let's go kick some Kraang butt." He smirks. I nod.

We fight and take down the Kraang. Awesome day, or night. Oh, whatever. I don't care.

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