I'm What?

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((Btw guys this is all inspired by an anime called Tokyo Ghoul. If you wanna understand it a bit more, go watch that! Also, I know Tokyo Ghoul takes place in... well... Tokyo... but their in New York now so deal with it! Another also, Kaneki isn't a ghoul in this yet so yah.))

[Kaneki's POV]
As I'm walking down an alley, I hear screaming coming from up above me. I quickly run up there and see what's going on. There, I see a boy... ABOUT TO EAT A GIRL?!?

He must be a ghoul! I run over frantically. The girl he is attacking has golden blond hair and pale blue eyes. In my opinion, very pretty. "Help!" She screams at the top of her lungs. "U-uh..." I think. "Leave her alone!" I yell.

Obviously not a good move. The ghoul turns around and looks at me. "It must be my lucky day, two humans have just come crawling to me." He laughs darkly. I gulp. "Just don't touch her!" I yell.

"Why should I listen to a human?" He asks. "I-I.. I..." I stutter. I look over his shoulder at the girl. She lays on the ground, out cold. Poor thing must've been tortured. "You're so weak... Why try to go up against me?" He asks.

"Well I'm not just gonna let you kill an innocent girl like that!" I yell. "Now, now, there is no reason for yelling." The ghoul tells me."You're probably right. I am weak. But I'de rather die trying to save someone than be a coward and let them die!" I yell angrily.

~3rd Person Back At The Lair~

"Woohoo! Goal!" Raph yells, running around the house. Harley stops him, kisses him, then lets him carry on. "You know what else is a goal? You two." Mikey says awkwardly.

Everyone stares at him for a while. "I said the wrong thing didn't I?" He asked everyone. They all nod.

~Time Skip To Hospital Where Ashlynn/Scarlett And Kaneki Are Taken Cause Neither Of Them Could Fight~

((It's 10:00 now and Ashlynn has an hour before she needs to be home.))

I awaken with a jolt of pain. Something is wrong with my left eye but I can't tell what it is. It's pain I've never felt before. I sit up in the hospital bed and look straight in front of me.

There is a mirror on the wall so I stand up and walk over to it. "Huh?!" I freak out. In replacement of my left eye, there is a ghoul eye. Why?! I bring my hand up near it and let my hand touch my cheek.

Then suddenly I remember the girl from an hour ago. Everything is a bit blurry but I still remember her. "Where is she?" I ask myself. I walk outside the room then see a room across from it with a label saying, "Scarlett Ross"

I take a lucky guess and knock on the door. That's gotta be her. A girl opens the door. That same girl from an hour ago. "You're awake too, huh?" She asks. I nod. "Scarlett... So that's your name." I wonder.

She smiles slightly. "Yes. And your name is...?" She asks me. "Oh, uh... Kaneki. Kaneki Ken." I tell her. "Okay... Boy tonight has been crazy. And the funny thing is that I don't remember half of it. Or even... any of... my whole life..." She mutters.

"Weird. So what's up with these eyes?" She asks, sounding shakier by the minute. "I don't know, but it can't be good." I tell her. She nods. Then he eye turns back to normal. The pale blue color.

"I'm gonna go get a nurse." I say. Then I feel another pain in my left eye. "O-Okay... Hey, if you don't mind... I don't really remember where I live or anything... Could I stay with you?" She asks, blushing.

"Sure-" I get cut off. "Of course, I don't want to barge in. You should probably ask your parents first." She tells me. I shake my head. "My parents are..." I trail off. Her eyes widen.

"Oh, sorry for asking.." She blushes even more then turns away. "Just... uh.. go get a nurse or something." She tells me. I nod and walk off. Then I run into an older man.

"Oh, sir.. um, Kaneki is it?" He asks me. I nod. "I need to speak with you." He tells me. I nod. "So, you saw your eye I see?" He asks me. "Yeah, but how did you know-" I was about to finish my question until...

"I'm a ghoul. But it's okay, I won't kill you. I'm just gonna tell you... You're a ghoul too." He says. "What?!" I freak out, squeezing my hands into fists. "Well, a half ghoul. So is your girlfriend." He says.

I immediately blush and shake my head. "No, no, no... She isn't my girlfriend... But... half?! How?" I ask him. "Well, since that last ghoul, Peter, died, we transferred half of his organs into your body. And half into hers." He tells me.

Then my eyes widen and I fall backwards, landing on my butt. "You're saying, I have his ghoul organs in my body?!" I ask loudly. "Yes, but it was only for a good reason. You two would have died if they didn't." He says.

"I have to go." I say, frantically running down the hall to Scarlett's room. I then explain everything to her. As we are both still shocked, we quickly race out of the building, catch a cab, and then get to my house.

~At The Hospital~

[A Janitor's POV]
I vacuum the floors in all the rooms. I come across one, and notice that a cellphone is laying on the nightstand. Somebody must've left it. Ring ring. I pick it up and answer the call.

"Hello?" I ask. "Who are you?" A woman asks. "I'm a janitor at the hospital. Somebody left their phone here." I tell her. "W-Wait... My daughter left her phone at a hospital?! W-Well... why was she there?!?" She freaks out.

"Ma'am I'm just a janitor. I don't know anything sugar." I tell her. She then hangs up. Hm, weird. You'd think a girls' parents would know she was in the hospital.

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