Trying To Save Casey

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[Harley's POV]
"Let's go Harley!" Raph yells through the spare bedroom door I am changing in. I am wearing a black slim suit with a red stripe down the side. I put my hair into a messy fishtail braid and step out the door.

"Okay. I'm ready!" I smile. I grab my Kama's and we head out of the sewers.

~On The Way~

I am going to kill that Shredder guy. Even if I die doing it. It's for Casey. I know he's a big jerk sometimes, and an idiot, but he's my twin brother! I love that weirdo.

We flip off of buildings and jump onto another. "Are we almost there?" I ask, trying to catch my breath. They all stop and look at me. "About half way." Raph says. I brake a sweat.

"Ugh... I just wanna kill that guy!" I whine. "Harley,we have been trying for a year or two now." Leo explains. "Well he hasn't seen the angry side of me!" I cry. Raph grabs my shoulder. "It's okay. We'll get him." He smiles.

I nod. "I hope, cause I really just wanna.." I motion my hand as in I am stabbing him. "Dude, calm down." Mikey backs away. "Okay, let's go." I sigh and we start to jump buildings again.

~At Shredder's Lair~

"Let's go." Leo whispers. We hop in and my eyes travel over to Casey. He's a giant mutant lion. It's sad to see him like this. I run over to him and he stares down at me.

He punches me. "CASEY!" I yell. He narrows his eyes at me. "Who is Casey?" He growls. His voice is rough, but it's still his voice. "You! Your my brother! Your just mutated, and hypnotized into thinking Shredder is your master!" I start to cry a little bit.

"I am not Casey!" He yells back. "THEN WHO ARE YOU??" Tears poor down my face. "He's The... uh.. I don't know. Let's call him Brian." Mikey shrugs. "No! You are Casey! Casey Jones!" I run up to him again and he flicks me away.

Then Shredder walks in the room. "I see you have met my minion." The deep voice says. I roll my eyes. "you mean, my brother? Oh yes!" I growl. He lifts his head. "Ah, yes. I see the resemblance." He tells me.

"Dude, you gonna fight or not?" Mikey pitches in. "Ugh.. fine. If you win, you get the mutant. If I win, I get to keep you all hostage." He smirks. I smirk back. "Deal." I say.

Leo looks at me with anger and surprise. "Harley!" He whisper yells. I look over at him, burning with rage. I look back at Shredder. I grab my Kama's and the boys grab their weapons as well.

We all charge at him, but he flicks us away, like flies. We all lay on the ground, defeated. I struggle to look up. Shredder is holding Raph and Donnie in his hands. I blink away tears.

A deal, is a deal. But I have to get out of here, with the boys. Casey. Then he throws them into the wall, and they pass out. He then does the same with everyone, including me.

I assume he locked us up in a cage or something. I can't tell. Right now I'm just dreaming a terrible dream. It goes a little like this:

I look around and see Raph. He is far away, and all I can just see his shape and color. There is a light fog. I look left and right, but see nothing else. It is empty.

I walk towards Raph and call out to him, but no sound comes out. He looks beside him and starts to speak quietly to something else, but there is nothing to speak to.

I step closer. He backs away. Then my throat clears and I can speak. "Raphael! Come here!" I yell. My voice sounds like a song. Weird.

I looks over me and says, "Who are you?" I tilt my head. "Harley, you don't remember?" He doesn't say anything else. I run towards him, but he disappears.

What is going on? Who was Raph talking to? Where am I? Why am I alone? Why did Raph disappear? Then I hear my name being called. It is Casey. I smile and run towards him.

He is in his human form. Oh, how I miss him. Then he looks at me with an angry face. "Who are you?" He asks. "Harley! Why does no one remember me?" I ask. He shrugs.

"Sorry, but I have to go. I'm not coming back." He says. Then he walks into the fog and disappears as well. I start to tear up. They must hate me. Why do they not remember me?

I wake up and see that I am locked up in a cage. Oh, good. It was just a dream. I look around me, Donnie is across the hall, also in a cage. He's beat up pretty bad too. He is still passed out, laying on the floor.

I am going to get out, if it's the last thing I do.

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