Cooling Off

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[Harley's POV]
It's so dang hot in here, thanks to grandma and grandpa taking out the air conditioner. They say it's more natural and saves money. I say it's HOT!

Everyone groans and sits around the house. I walk into the living room, seeing what's going on. "We're just gonna sit here?!" I ask, waving my hand in front of my face.

"Uh, yeah? What else could we do?" Mikey asks. "Uh... play outside, go for a swim..." I shrug. Then an idea pops in my head. I gasp loudly. "What?" Raph asks, almost unamused.

"My grandparents used to have these water guns for Casey and I to play with in the Summer!" I giggle. "Ah, yeah. The good ol' days." Casey smirks. I roll my eyes. "You almost choked me the last time!" I growl.

"We were SEVEN!" He protests. I sigh and shrug it off. "Let's do it then! I'll get tubs of water." Leo announces. I nod. "Casey and I will search for the old water guns." I say. "I'll get cleaning supplies, they are gonna be so gross!" April says.

"Donnie and I will get some other stuff for playing with." Raph says. Donnie nods and follows him.

~After Searching For An Hour~

"Ugh, this sucks!" I whine. "What?" Raph asks, rubbing my shoulder. "First, they don't have the water guns anymore, second, THAT MEANS WE CAN'T PLAY WITH 'EM!" I yell, throwing my hands in the air.

"Uh, I have another idea!" April smiles. "What?" Donnie asks, intrigued. "We could go to the beach and swim or tan?" She suggests. I nod. "Okay, I'll get towels. Everyone have bathing suits?" I ask. They all nod.

"Okay, then, it's settled, BEACH TIME!" Mikey yells. "Woohoo!" Casey screams. We all go into our rooms and change. When we get out, I get the towels and stuff, and we head there.

"This must be it, Leo, turn right." Raph commands. He nods and turns the car in that direction. We all hop out once it is parked. "Awesome!" Donnie squeals. We all run out to the beach and jump into the water.

"So cold!" I scream. Then Raph swims up behind me and splashes me with the water. "Oh, your gonna get it!" I laugh, splashing him back.

~After A Lot Of Fun~

I float on my back, watching the sunset over the water. "Ahhh..." I sigh. It's so beautiful. Nothing can ruin this moment. "Hey, we better head back to the house, it's getting dark." Raph says, tapping my shoulder.

I nod then swim back to shore. Then we all make our way back. That was fun! I hope we can do it again. Not to mention the beautiful sunset after all the insane time.

I love my life.

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